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  1. CitizenDad

    Idris XL-1 (and other component/swap testing)

    We have spent the last few days getting the Idris, and then keeping the Idris for as long as possible in order to get as familair with it as possible during this time/patch. We Have Too Many Idrises? Idri? XenoThreat! | 37 Day Streak | !giveaway | Star Citizen ( These dudes seem to...
  2. CitizenDad


    If yuse cannnn i mean dont break the bank or get the wifey in a fit but i know first hand costs are a factor for all operations even just a discord and website and shizz. I'll do more when I can but the least I can do to help this awesome bunch a drunkards and misfits community out is 10...
  3. CitizenDad


    Placeholder but we build some crazy systems LOL. Current "in-haus" rigs are: TEST BENCH PRIME 14900K Delidded all core 6.0GHz Iceman WB 48GB 9000MHz Iceman WB Asus 4090 Strix Optimus WB Asus THOR 1600w 2TB Intel/SK Hynix NVME Lian Li PC T70 Bench TEST BENCH II 10980XE X299 Asus RAMPAGE...
  4. CitizenDad

    SIM RACING + ATS/ETS (or IRL Racers?)

    Who else is a sim racer? Sim Racing is exploding onto the seen. Just this last year we have built more sim racing rigs and cockpits than I think we did the 10 years previous. Even with the ultra scarcity of unobtanium grade GPU's. I for one have always planned to do sim racing, Truck Sim...
  5. CitizenDad

    SKYN3T IS HERE and boy does it look cool!

    A good friend of mine works on this very project and so he has been keeping me updated, him and I build Flight Sims for Flight Training Centers, Private Flight Schools. It is pretty cool to see! View:
  6. CitizenDad

    ATOMIK VODKA *Brits Only Only - 100 bottles!

    I obviously can't get any for myself, but this is HOT OFF THE PRESSES so act quickly I guess. Just passing this off to y'all. View: View:
  7. CitizenDad

    To all our TESTIES in Hurricane Ida's path

    View: View: Hang in there and stay frosty! It looks like it was a pretty gnarly storm. 16 years to the day after Katrina. CAT4's are no joke.
  8. CitizenDad

    Bus Simulator 21! Anyone else excited for this?

    View: And did any of my fellow Truck Sim Testies see that prototype wheel? I just wrote my Thrusmaster guy cause I want to try it out ASAP. But yeah, any of you want to play Bus Sim 21? It looks pretty decent.
  9. CitizenDad

    The dumbest (stuff) you ever bought on

    I'll start: I remember ordering this, barely, but I present to you the dumbest thing I ever bought on so far. The rules you don't have to be drunk when you ordered it but you do have to have lots of...
  10. CitizenDad

    ATS: Wyoming DLC Trailer

    I know some of my fellow Trans/Logi Testies are stoked about this DLC as me! This is coming out right when I get by new fanatics CSL DDirect drive wheel Oh yeah :) o7 View:
  11. CitizenDad

    Into The Black - Steam Playtest is now live! I believe y'all have to request access: Should be fun!
  12. CitizenDad

    MicroProse and the 100th Bomb Group Foundation collaborate on a new B-17 Flying Fortress game

    For some of you who have grandparents who were in WWII, or just WWII Buffs, Bomber Squadron fans in general this is pretty freaking cool for sure. I actually have kept in contact with the 100th Bomb Group Foundation ever since I heard about this project and it looks like it is now 100%...
  13. CitizenDad

    Semi SC/Lumberyard Related | Kingdom Come Beta "RTX" 8K Tech Demo

  14. CitizenDad

    [PORTLAND, OREGON] TEST NW Mini Meet at VR Showcase

    So my company Northwest Gamers is Co-hosting a big ass VR Film Fest/Game Showcase here in Portland, Oregon. If any of our TESTNW/TESTPDX BROS are free today, hit me up at 503 893 5396 or [email protected] and use the code: NWGamers or TESTISBEST to get 50% Off tickets. MORE INFO HERE, Make sure...
  15. CitizenDad


    Well, it is happening, again. This really won't effect us negatively, though it could effect us in a positive manner if CIG ended up picking up some more Crytek Experrts.
  16. CitizenDad


    Coming in 2017 so stay tuned...
  17. CitizenDad


    So I have a ton of PC Parts from Intel, Nvidia, Corsair, MSI, BenQ, Samsung, and etc, about 15-20 Intel & Nvidia Battlestations/Workstations, Gaming and CAD/CAM Display's, and a whole small warehouse full of "crap" that needs to go, because of my recent purchase of my Dream Home here in...
  18. CitizenDad

    Can we talk about how freaking awesome this Glass Bengal Video and Render is?

    I mean, like am I the only one who can watch this multiple times? To be honest, my son freaking LOVES it. We have a cardboard cock pit and we sit there watching this on a loop few times before he wigs out and wants mommy milk or whatever, but he yells and laughs and we pretend we are flying...
  19. CitizenDad

    Happy Birthday Murica!!

    A really special and emphatic THANK YOU to all our American and allies' men and woman out there who are serving our country and defending our FREEDOM.
  20. CitizenDad


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