sure, but that won't get you [CERTIFIED]...Can we do beer o clock first?
sure, but that won't get you [CERTIFIED]...Can we do beer o clock first?
Okay, I'll try to come by. Having a problem with my hearing though (near deaf left side) I can't wear headphones. I'd therefore thought about using a micro and my surround system for communication via discord (funny fact: did you know that a surround sound system is completly useless if you can only hear mono...?? :confused:). But I can't promise anything.and here's the real plan...
we meet at 10PM GMT on discord. please post your rsi-handles in this thread.
i'll connect you all, invite you, and do a private match of squad battle.
then we'll do some basic crash training, and if we still got time, we'll do some 1on1's. i'll try to get @CosmicTrader to show us some of his hot moves.
after that, it's beer o' clock.
questions ? perfect !
that's been a joke.... ^^sure, but that won't get you [CERTIFIED]...
So that's What Italian astronauts look like huh?Callsign AstroSamantha, named after the great herself, Sam Christoforetti - female astronaut of Italy and the woman with the longest staytime in space; am a huge fan of her:
Yes indeed...obviously...but, pardon me, isn't "yo soy" spanish language actually...? :DSo that's What Italian astronauts look like huh?
Well "HOLA BEONO! Yo soy de Canada! Va va vrooooooooom!"
Oops I spoke too soon my attendance is required at the pub.I'll try to make it as long as all those hot chicks in hot pants don't drag me to the poledancing pub again. *
* nb. this never happens, so I'll make it no probs!