Do we start theorycrafting about the idris now?


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2017
RSI Handle
TEST, Auroras and beverage .... there will about about 14000++ insurance claims beyond the first 10 minutes.
And a lot of pilots available for crewing big ships ;)
Still don't understand... 10 min is way too long

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Response &

T.H.R.E.A.T. can be TEST's round-the-clock response fleet that always stands at the ready to serve and protect the interests of its members in the universe.

Imagine: You are a TESTie who was digging for some of that sweet ore when a player-faction of pirates starts closing in on you. What do you do? Your prospector is no match for them, and hiding won't keep you safe for long. You don't fret, however; because you have THREAT on speed dial. You call up the boys in black and yellow and they swoop in to save the daaaay; Building and strengthening the idea that EVERY Testie (big or small) is a real threat, no matter how harmless they appear.

Who are these valiant knights of the sacred sigil? Why, they are volunteers; just like any average TESTie. (Like you, for instance) These brave individuals log in and donate their time to serving aboard Org-Owned ships of considerable force and influence. By utilizing the global nature of our playerbase to constantly man these Projections of Montoya's will, we keep them on the galactic board of power full-time; so to speak.

Wouldn't it get boring waiting around for things to happen? you ask

Absolutely not! would be my reply. In fact, in many ways; playing with the group and manning a ship with your fellow org mates can be some of the most rewarding gameplay available. And as for getting bored, remember Star Marine? Members on the ship could all jump into sim pits and train themselves on their role to come in any possible upcoming scenarios. If an actual incident arises, they'll rise from their pods and hop into action for the real thing.

I would even foresee some people going as far as to make an entire character slot a TESTie drone that can live aboard one of these massive ships. That way you can live your normal life with your regular character, then jump across the verse into your TESTie soldier account to fight the good fight for a few hours whenever you feel like it.

THREAT could also be an excellent platform to support long term campaigns and projections of force. If manning the fleet could become the fun social thing to do, we as a group could accomplish amazing things. Some dickface org pissing us off? Fine. We will take the fleet and sit in orbit above one of their biggest mining ops to cut off supplies from going to or leaving the planet. Our overwhelming constant projection of force will have a very strong psychological effect that will bring the enemy crawling to the bargaining table. From there; Their beer is as good as OURS.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
TEST, Auroras and beverage .... there will about about 14000++ insurance claims beyond the first 10 minutes.
And a lot of pilots available for crewing big ships ;)
That is correct, with there being 14,000 drunken Aurora kamikaze pilots fully unloading into the enemy fleet before slamming into them at full speed head on, that leaves a massive mess for them to re-spawn, load up into various reclaimers, various shipping haulers & a handfull of other fighters to go clean up the mess while the rest fuel up the Star G's & Beer-farers to assist in bringing the prize home as well as to celebrate along the way.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
There was a video on Twitch from the morning of Sat where they commented on how easily the Idris frigates were destroyed. The stated that they turned off the shields because earlier while they were doing a run through to practice safely landing on the carrier deck, 1 of the Gladius slammed into the shields as it attempted to enter & straight up crumpled like an aluminum can.

That's a nice touch.

I like that.
Also means you're going to have to drop somethings shields before you can launch or recover fighter, making anti-capital ambushes more effective, and good planning/ screen management important. Also, gotta take out its shields to really board it, so lower chance of ninja boarders :smile:


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
That's a nice touch.

I like that.
Also means you're going to have to drop somethings shields before you can launch or recover fighter, making anti-capital ambushes more effective, and good planning/ screen management important. Also, gotta take out its shields to really board it, so lower chance of ninja boarders :smile:
To me, in an ideal situation, I would love to sneak in close to an enemy Idris-M from behind & below so that the moment they drop their shields to launch or recover fighters I can unload my the torpedoes of my Eclipse into their rail gun to effectively take out their main weapon which would mean that they would then have to rely even further on their escort fighters. In doing so they would have to repeatedly drop their shields for our ships can hit them harder.

I am curious about something though. If we should in some way manage to disable their ship enough to send in a boarding party, would it be possible to capture their capital ships to keep for ourselves for further org battle use instead of destroying their ship & losing out on that massive prize from the fight?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Response &

T.H.R.E.A.T. can be TEST's round-the-clock response fleet that always stands at the ready to serve and protect the interests of its members in the universe.

Imagine: You are a TESTie who was digging for some of that sweet ore when a player-faction of pirates starts closing in on you. What do you do? Your prospector is no match for them, and hiding won't keep you safe for long. You don't fret, however; because you have THREAT on speed dial. You call up the boys in black and yellow and they swoop in to save the daaaay; Building and strengthening the idea that EVERY Testie (big or small) is a real threat, no matter how harmless they appear.

Who are these valiant knights of the sacred sigil? Why, they are volunteers; just like any average TESTie. (Like you, for instance) These brave individuals log in and donate their time to serving aboard Org-Owned ships of considerable force and influence. By utilizing the global nature of our playerbase to constantly man these Projections of Montoya's will, we keep them on the galactic board of power full-time; so to speak.

Wouldn't it get boring waiting around for things to happen? you ask

Absolutely not! would be my reply. In fact, in many ways; playing with the group and manning a ship with your fellow org mates can be some of the most rewarding gameplay available. And as for getting bored, remember Star Marine? Members on the ship could all jump into sim pits and train themselves on their role to come in any possible upcoming scenarios. If an actual incident arises, they'll rise from their pods and hop into action for the real thing.

I would even foresee some people going as far as to make an entire character slot a TESTie drone that can live aboard one of these massive ships. That way you can live your normal life with your regular character, then jump across the verse into your TESTie soldier account to fight the good fight for a few hours whenever you feel like it.

THREAT could also be an excellent platform to support long term campaigns and projections of force. If manning the fleet could become the fun social thing to do, we as a group could accomplish amazing things. Some dickface org pissing us off? Fine. We will take the fleet and sit in orbit above one of their biggest mining ops to cut off supplies from going to or leaving the planet. Our overwhelming constant projection of force will have a very strong psychological effect that will bring the enemy crawling to the bargaining table. From there; Their beer is as good as OURS.
I like it! A lot. I'd dedicate a character slot to this, for shizzle.
I am curious about something though. If we should in some way manage to disable their ship enough to send in a boarding party, would it be possible to capture their capital ships to keep for ourselves for further org battle use instead of destroying their ship & losing out on that massive prize from the fight?
Yes. Stealing ships will very much be a thing.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I like it! A lot. I'd dedicate a character slot to this, for shizzle.

Yes. Stealing ships will very much be a thing.
Interesting thought, if someone steals your ship, do you get to make an insurance claim and get another?

That has serious potential for abuse, but also appears to be important for playability.

For example I own an Idiris, and I leave it parked but forget to lock it, so Owl and a few others take off in it. Now I am without a ship because it is stolen, so I file an Insurance claim and get another?

Suddenly we have two Idiris?

On the other side of it though, you have one ship, it is your only ship. If it gets stolen do you no longer get to fly because your ship was stolen?

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting thought, if someone steals your ship, do you get to make an insurance claim and get another?
He was talking about keeping a character aboard a TEST-run capital ship. Anyone who manages to steal one of THOSE deserves the damn thing. haha Also, remember that ships will "de-spawn" if all of its occupants are in beds after like 5 minutes. So as long as you dont get jacked within that time, you should be good. (Unless "your" ship is the Bengal)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Interesting thought, if someone steals your ship, do you get to make an insurance claim and get another?
That has serious potential for abuse, but also appears to be important for playability.

For example I own an Idiris, and I leave it parked but forget to lock it, so Owl and a few others take off in it. Now I am without a ship because it is stolen, so I file an Insurance claim and get another?

Suddenly we have two Idiris?
There was an article written about exactly this: the way players would abuse the system. Which makes us wonder what restraints will be in place to curb this kind of abuse.

I'll see if I can find the article, and link it here.
Also, someone (I wanna say @NaffNaffBobFace - sorry if it wasn't you brother) had a great thought process on how to stop abuse to the insurance system.


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Great article @Blind Owl, however you found it. :) Lots I didn't know about in there. I may re-read with a beer tonight so I can really absorb the content (of the beer that is...).

That covers all the ships that are player purchased. Is there a similar way that say, a Vanduul ship would behave if stolen? I recall some info about the difficulty in stealing a Vanduul ship, something about self destruct mechanism, but what if we did figure out how to take one? Is it considered "stolen"?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle

There was an article written about exactly this: the way players would abuse the system. Which makes us wonder what restraints will be in place to curb this kind of abuse.

I'll see if I can find the article, and link it here.
Also, someone (I wanna say @NaffNaffBobFace - sorry if it wasn't you brother) had a great thought process on how to stop abuse to the insurance system.
Ah, yes! I remember that - I was encouraged to pop it on Spectrum, i'll have a search...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
And there is is

Insurance fraud? Mmmm...

Personally if I were an insurance company I'd do the following:

Firstly, give the victim of the ship theft a Rental. It'd suck. Maybe an Ageis Crapheap or that Consolidated Outlaw Shitbag or maybe even one of those Misc Whatthefucks, you know, the flat one that makes you go WTF? Not a glorious Aurora... Too good for rental...

...Anyway, I'd issue the victim of the 'theft' a rental and place a decent bounty on the thief. Victim gets to keep playing if not a little less gloriously than before, but doesn't get a replacement right away (That'll teach 'em to loose their ship, plus it'll be a buffer on the insurance scam if there is one, can't make a million in credits if it takes a month to get a replacement). Bounty Hunters get something decent to hunt and earn an honest credit off. If the ship is destroyed, the victim gets a base replacement. If the ship is recovered the victim has to pay a percentage of whatever repair bills there are. If the ship is not recovered within a certain timescale, the victim is then awarded a new base craft.

But this is the important bit: a stolen ship is a disadvantage to the thief, because a stolen ship is a ship that can't de-spawn. You go to bed in a Connie and log-off, it de-spawns until you log back in and start off where you finished previously. A stolen ship will HAVE to remain in the 'Verse, or a player could log off, wait a week until the heat had died down and then take it straight to Honest Bobs Used Ship Sales. Also, Bounty Hunters would have a pretty crap time hunting for someone who'd logged off a day and a half ago.

They'd either have to hide the ship every time they logged off with the risk it could be tracked and found, or have an NPC continue to pilot it with all the risks of the NPC being crap and being captured. If the NPC is captured while you are offline, hey accomplice in the bunk bed! Wake up you are now in a jail bunk! Don't drop the soap!

That should make insurance fraud, and stealing player owned ships in general pretty difficult and disadvantageous to those who'd want to. NPC ships - steal as many as you want, you can't do insurance fraud with an NPC.

You read it here first if this gets into the game, SOMEONE CALL CHRIS ROBERTS WE HAVE THE 'BOBFACE SOLUTION. AGAIN.

Will C.

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2017
RSI Handle
I think that the fact that the shields need to be down to shoot the rail gun is retarded. After watching bored gamers video on that inteview almost makes me want to sell the thing. I mean seriously two powerplants 900 years in the future and you cant have shields up and fire a rail gun. Then it will take a minute and a half for shields to come back on. Almost wish i did not see that video.
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