Do we start theorycrafting about the idris now?

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Auto-land systems need to be explored, as well as automated combat launch (Straight out the door)

Hands on landings/launches from the craft inside will probably end up causing more damage than weapons fire long term.
It is in place in the cutlass when you land a Nox in it (I can't remember if that was an ATV or Bug Smashers.) One of the reasons I believe the entire Idiris thing was added before the ship is actually ready for use in game.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Response &

T.H.R.E.A.T. can be TEST's round-the-clock response fleet that always stands at the ready to serve and protect the interests of its members in the universe.

Imagine: You are a TESTie who was digging for some of that sweet ore when a player-faction of pirates starts closing in on you. What do you do? Your prospector is no match for them, and hiding won't keep you safe for long. You don't fret, however; because you have THREAT on speed dial. You call up the boys in black and yellow and they swoop in to save the daaaay; Building and strengthening the idea that EVERY Testie (big or small) is a real threat, no matter how harmless they appear.

Who are these valiant knights of the sacred sigil? Why, they are volunteers; just like any average TESTie. (Like you, for instance) These brave individuals log in and donate their time to serving aboard Org-Owned ships of considerable force and influence. By utilizing the global nature of our playerbase to constantly man these Projections of Montoya's will, we keep them on the galactic board of power full-time; so to speak.

Wouldn't it get boring waiting around for things to happen? you ask

Absolutely not! would be my reply. In fact, in many ways; playing with the group and manning a ship with your fellow org mates can be some of the most rewarding gameplay available. And as for getting bored, remember Star Marine? Members on the ship could all jump into sim pits and train themselves on their role to come in any possible upcoming scenarios. If an actual incident arises, they'll rise from their pods and hop into action for the real thing.

I would even foresee some people going as far as to make an entire character slot a TESTie drone that can live aboard one of these massive ships. That way you can live your normal life with your regular character, then jump across the verse into your TESTie soldier account to fight the good fight for a few hours whenever you feel like it.

THREAT could also be an excellent platform to support long term campaigns and projections of force. If manning the fleet could become the fun social thing to do, we as a group could accomplish amazing things. Some dickface org pissing us off? Fine. We will take the fleet and sit in orbit above one of their biggest mining ops to cut off supplies from going to or leaving the planet. Our overwhelming constant projection of force will have a very strong psychological effect that will bring the enemy crawling to the bargaining table. From there; Their beer is as good as OURS.
My god sir, it's so beautiful, so logical, so much, so - all I can say is...


Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Response &

T.H.R.E.A.T. can be TEST's round-the-clock response fleet that always stands at the ready to serve and protect the interests of its members in the universe.

Imagine: You are a TESTie who was digging for some of that sweet ore when a player-faction of pirates starts closing in on you. What do you do? Your prospector is no match for them, and hiding won't keep you safe for long. You don't fret, however; because you have THREAT on speed dial. You call up the boys in black and yellow and they swoop in to save the daaaay; Building and strengthening the idea that EVERY Testie (big or small) is a real threat, no matter how harmless they appear.

Who are these valiant knights of the sacred sigil? Why, they are volunteers; just like any average TESTie. (Like you, for instance) These brave individuals log in and donate their time to serving aboard Org-Owned ships of considerable force and influence. By utilizing the global nature of our playerbase to constantly man these Projections of Montoya's will, we keep them on the galactic board of power full-time; so to speak.

Wouldn't it get boring waiting around for things to happen? you ask

Absolutely not! would be my reply. In fact, in many ways; playing with the group and manning a ship with your fellow org mates can be some of the most rewarding gameplay available. And as for getting bored, remember Star Marine? Members on the ship could all jump into sim pits and train themselves on their role to come in any possible upcoming scenarios. If an actual incident arises, they'll rise from their pods and hop into action for the real thing.

I would even foresee some people going as far as to make an entire character slot a TESTie drone that can live aboard one of these massive ships. That way you can live your normal life with your regular character, then jump across the verse into your TESTie soldier account to fight the good fight for a few hours whenever you feel like it.

THREAT could also be an excellent platform to support long term campaigns and projections of force. If manning the fleet could become the fun social thing to do, we as a group could accomplish amazing things. Some dickface org pissing us off? Fine. We will take the fleet and sit in orbit above one of their biggest mining ops to cut off supplies from going to or leaving the planet. Our overwhelming constant projection of force will have a very strong psychological effect that will bring the enemy crawling to the bargaining table. From there; Their beer is as good as OURS.
With hundreds of drunk TESTies manning the helm of a large ship, it will at least feel like tens of decent soldiers coming to the rescue....

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
the large guns of a capital ship should rotate too slowly to hit fighters

they are for taking on other ships of their own class
I think Montoya was speaking of the turrets, not the spinal mounts. IIRC, the Idris is supposed to have 6 S6 manned turrets, which should mount a pair of the S5 lasers. That gives them lots more range than anything a fighter can carry apart from missiles. In such a scenario, the fighter wants to stay in range of its own weapons at all times. It does not want to circle in and out of range as that would just give the Idris free shots. Flying close makes one cross the target horizon of the Idris' turrets more quickly so you get fewer shots, but the turret gunner will have better shots.

If there is a decent turret gunner the turrets should be plenty effective. My guess is several turrets were not manned. If you noticed, most of the bridge was unmanned as well.

Also bear in mind that we have not seen all the weapons yet. No one knows what the MXOX laser gatling looks like, but the specs say it be bad. . .very bad to be on the wrong end of. Also remember there is a proximity burst weapon, like AA for space; that has such high damage that any small fighter that gets near it dies. Dies horribly, terribly, with tiny bits hanging off the Idris' painted on teeth.

They'll get it worked out. Making the turrets track faster is easy.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Auto-land systems need to be explored, as well as automated combat launch (Straight out the door)

Hands on landings/launches from the craft inside will probably end up causing more damage than weapons fire long term.
I use macro keys setup for auto landing gear down, light on reduce speed for approach then link to landing pad auto landing system then that take over and do a smooth nice landing. Clear to exit cockpit.
With one key press gotta love Macro :D

Work like a charm and is really fast landings and accurate rarely crash :smile: I use macro for take of too, since I use headlock and gimbal lock I have three different take of macros set up each on i's own key..
All this steps happen with in 1-3 sec. after I push the key for takeoff.
The landing vary depending how fast it lock on to landing pads auto landing system but usually not more then 5-15 sec..

Take off version 1.Turn on head and gimbal lock, turn of light then take of about about 35-45 meter up wile retracting landing gear. Ready for flight.

Take off version 2.Turn of light climb 35-45 meters wile retracting landing gear. Ready for flight.

Take off version 3.Take of 35-45 meters wile retracting landing gear. Ready for flight.

I can start flying away wile this is happen so I can make really fast take of if needed, this work like a charm to as the auto landing macro :smile:

I Just love macro keys only need to press one key for a take off or a landing :smile: :beers:
( yeah! landing is not perfect yet but working on that ):stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Great article @Blind Owl, however you found it. :slight_smile: Lots I didn't know about in there. I may re-read with a beer tonight so I can really absorb the content (of the beer that is...).

That covers all the ships that are player purchased. Is there a similar way that say, a Vanduul ship would behave if stolen? I recall some info about the difficulty in stealing a Vanduul ship, something about self destruct mechanism, but what if we did figure out how to take one? Is it considered "stolen"?
Yes, stealing NPC ships SHOULD give us a new ship. As to whether it's tagged as stolen, who knows? One would think that if you could do it without being spotted by the authorities, then it would be yours for the taking. Or maybe you need to get it to a chop shop and have the VIN changed, lol. That would be a decent mechanic.
Yes, this!!
So if we need more than one Idirs, it is fairly easy to get one. :slight_smile:
"Fairly easy", haha. I like your mind.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I used to play a game called X2, where you could steal ships if the owner ejected. I did this with Pirates, as the ships would not be considered 'stolen' and would be easily sold for scrap or repaired and used as my own craft.

The pirates in that game never took a bounty or anything out on me, but I'm sure that would be different in SC, even Pirate NPC's could form a squad to come and give you a kicking for stealing too much of their factions property.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Stealing an NPC ship; does the NPC have insurance and did it report the ship stolen?
I'm sure that CIG isn't going to shoehorn piracy into PVP-only, so I'm betting the crime and punishment system will work within subsumption. But the real question here is; No witness, no crime? (Ala Red Dead Redemption)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm sure that CIG isn't going to shoehorn piracy into PVP-only, so I'm betting the crime and punishment system will work within subsumption. But the real question here is; No witness, no crime? (Ala Red Dead Redemption)
If this si the case, NOTHING will ever get seen. We shall be shadows in space . . .

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'm sure that CIG isn't going to shoehorn piracy into PVP-only, so I'm betting the crime and punishment system will work within subsumption. But the real question here is; No witness, no crime? (Ala Red Dead Redemption)
That is indeed the real question! There has been some language Chris has used over the years that seemed to imply, that one cannot escape the law by removing the witnesses, and that all piracy will evoke criminal status. he has even said people won't be able to escape this by using alts, or friends. Apparently the ill gotten gains of felony will always follow the money, or in this case the ship.

This is one of the reasons why I have suggested time and again that any lawful privateering needs to have specific targets that are not protected by UEE law: pirates (both PC and NPC), Vanduul, Banu, Krell, The Outsiders and the Slavers on Null, would all seem to me to be "lawful" targets since the UEE does not abide such things. I am curious about the implications with raiding Banu resources, but the Banu are slavers and thus officially outside UEE law.

I think too, it is likely any Bountyhunting in UEE territory could net the hunter the ship of the criminal he captures, if he takes that ship in pursuit of his bounty. We shall see. I can imagine a common BH "poop and scoop" operation where one immobilizes the criminal with a Warlock and sucks them with their ship, right up inside a Reclaimer. Given this is part of a lawful bounty operation, who then gets the ship? I vote the Hunter!

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
This is one of the reasons why I have suggested time and again that any lawful privateering needs to have specific targets that are not protected by UEE law:
It sounds like you would like to work for the insurance companies as a Repo man...(I really hope that they make that a profession)

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Yes, stealing NPC ships SHOULD give us a new ship. As to whether it's tagged as stolen, who knows? One would think that if you could do it without being spotted by the authorities, then it would be yours for the taking. Or maybe you need to get it to a chop shop and have the VIN changed, lol. That would be a decent mechanic.

Yes, this!!

"Fairly easy", haha. I like your mind.
We steal one of ours, report it stolen, use both, then when we are finished, we collect the bounty on it. LOL

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
That is indeed the real question! There has been some language Chris has used over the years that seemed to imply, that one cannot escape the law by removing the witnesses, and that all piracy will evoke criminal status. he has even said people won't be able to escape this by using alts, or friends. Apparently the ill gotten gains of felony will always follow the money, or in this case the ship.

This is one of the reasons why I have suggested time and again that any lawful privateering needs to have specific targets that are not protected by UEE law: pirates (both PC and NPC), Vanduul, Banu, Krell, The Outsiders and the Slavers on Null, would all seem to me to be "lawful" targets since the UEE does not abide such things. I am curious about the implications with raiding Banu resources, but the Banu are slavers and thus officially outside UEE law.

I think too, it is likely any Bountyhunting in UEE territory could net the hunter the ship of the criminal he captures, if he takes that ship in pursuit of his bounty. We shall see. I can imagine a common BH "poop and scoop" operation where one immobilizes the criminal with a Warlock and sucks them with their ship, right up inside a Reclaimer. Given this is part of a lawful bounty operation, who then gets the ship? I vote the Hunter!
Makes me wonder about colleting insurance on your ship if you lost it while engaging in illegal activities. Haha, I know they have to honour the insurance, or there wouldn't be any pirates.
I couldn't find a hug emoj so have some Dancers instead: :dancers:
You're so good to me.
We steal one of ours, report it stolen, use both, then when we are finished, we collect the bounty on it. LOL
Haha, filthy. I like it.
+42 for the B5 reference - you sir win the Interwebz today.

A Babylon 5 reference, directed at me, and I missed it? NOOOoooOOOoooo!!!
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