Find us a Home! TEST HQ

Doc Shaftoe

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm curious to see what kind of long-term territory control measures will be put in place. Personally I'm hoping for the ability to populate systems we discover with our own infrastructure. Imagine establishing our own secret Moon Base or "That's no Moon" Base in a hidden system populated by nothing but TESTie ships.

Realistically though, I'm all for the regional structure NKato proposed. It's a good idea and gives us the ability to respond in every corner of the galaxy, while maintaining some manner of command and control over everything.


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Personally I'm hoping for the ability to populate systems we discover with our own infrastructure. Imagine establishing our own secret Moon Base or "That's no Moon" Base in a hidden system populated by nothing but TESTie ships.
Well I think they said that it is going to be possible to populate new / just found systems though that it's not quite in your hand cause if it's a good one it will automatically populate habitable planets with npc's. Don't quote me on this one though


Oct 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Will it be possible / feasible to have more of a "roving flotilla" instead of a predictable, vulnerable "home"? I mean, I think the Mongols might have been on to something...

Starfarer for fuel...
Hope for hospital / respawn...
Endeavor / Carrack for situational awareness...
Idris for hanger space...
That's what I would like to do with my future "Hope" Endeavor. Roving Flotilla ftw, viable or not :P

Fore our home systems I propose the following:
Create an Pool/excel file showing our interest for specific system. Then we buy stuff and proceed with what the mass wants.

Test offers X UCC for Headquarters. Say 80 people want Nys system, 18 want Vega and 2 want Orion. Total votes 100. Then 80% of X go for the Nys Headquarters, 18% on Vega's, etc. This way the most favorite system will become HQ-ishbut it also gives opportunities for other braches to develop.

Thematically, I do not consider us controlling "adjacent" systems or well defined space. More like a hidden base here, a training facility there, some Mining here, some pirac... bounty hunting there. All connected by our moving fleets or activity in said system.

Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
RSI Handle
HQ System Selection
Primary Goal:
Friendly TEST fun/safe/inebriated place to learn SC with minimal repercussions for our actions

Situate ourselves so that RockRaiders/PALS/BomberSq/ect all get crazy 890j Space Rich!

Keep Montoya's glorious vision in mind at all times :D


Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
After making a bunch of maps and really focusing on a lot of map related content I have decided to put in my 2 cents.


If we were to have a HQ or home base where everything ells stems from I would say Fora. I believe this is a good location for all aspects of the game to be played in close proximity to.
Mining - not only is there an active asteroid belt in system but several systems nearby (Kabal with medium jump point, Nexus and Genesis with large jump points) with asteroid belts ready to freely be mined. More I am certain can be found with better minerals in any of the other systems nearby.
Exploration - What better system in my mind than one with a black hole in the middle. Tamsa is 2 large jump points away. meaning you can take not only your Aquila but your Carrak and any other large ship you want.
Missions/PVE - only 2 jumps from Vanduul space as well as 6 from the only UEE system that has a high threat lvl Stanton.
PVP - There is no real way to tell how good pvp will be. Depending on other systems population of players and weather we go to war or not will determine that. Strategically speaking we are close to 2 dead end systems (being current dead end, we can always find jump points to other systems there) that can be used as a retreat point to consolidate our assets to better protect them. One of those systems Tamsa is a dead end system that is accessible with a Large jump point meaning we can get every ship possible there and camp the landing point.
Trade - It sits in the middle of a large jump point highway that leads to Sol, Stanton, and Tera. The 3 largest trade points in UEE space. So large cargo transport of not only personal good but Test goods can be quickly and easily done.

Located in middle of a large jump point highway, allowing pvp/pve/trade to be quickly accessed with all ship sizes.
Close proximity to highly strategic positions in space for defence/pvp
Close proximity to Vanduul space
Close proximity to Banu Space

Easily accessible by our enemies with 2 large and 1 medium jump point leading to system
No space stations in system
One "sparsely" inhabited planet. This is countered by the fact that The system is also technically a High Population system. So I am guessing that means its either a high traffic area being on the large jump point super highway or there is more there than shown on the map.


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
Already analyzing! I have identified three possible candidates thus far, in order of appeal from top to bottom as-numbered - the criteria is more connections, providing greater accessibility for our members:

  1. Nyx System - Connects to The Tanga System (high value resource), and Odin (high value resource, black market weapons). Also within 3 jumps of Terra. Linked to Tohil, Bremen, Pyro, and Castra.

  2. Davien - Connects directly to Sol, Cano, Kilian, Cathcart, and Ferron. An excellent Corporate Headquarters and Logistics Headquarters that leads to all corners of the UEE.

  3. Goss System - Connects to Osiris, Tyrol, Helios, Tayac, and Terra. Major hotbed of pirate activity, good for UEE missioning, probably?

  4. Elysium - Connects to Leir, Vanguard, Centauri, and Idris Systems. Appears to be a hotbed of economic activity with its strong connection to Centauri (which is a "Factory world" run by MISC).

  5. Idris - Connects to Garron, Rhetor, Ferron, and Elysium.

  6. Banshee - Connects to Tamsa, Yulin, Fora, Garron, and Leir. Strictly a UEE mining operation system, with abundant scientific activities. Do not expect security.

  7. Fora - Connects to Banshee, Nemo, and Rhetor. Most likely to have undiscovered jump points. Barely lawless, may be a good "GTFO" destination.

  8. Leir System - Connects to Vanguard (Vanduul), Elysium, Kabal, Garron, Banshee, and Yulin. Is 100% lawless system.

  9. Castra - A frontline world near the Perry Line. Connects to Nyx, Pyro, Oya, and Hadrian. Part of the Castra-Stanton run, good for newbies.

  10. Nexus System - Connects to Min, Hades, Cathcart, and Ellis. Part of a major trade route.

  11. Terra - One of the most numerous jump connections recorded, Six jump links, three large, two medium, two small. Right next door to Stanton.

  12. Hadrian - NOPE, SUPER-HIGH SECURITY. Lots of connections, though.
UNclaimed systems better. Otherwise we're going to be stuck in instances were we're lucky if there are majority test members, and we can not do anything really. I say lawless/unclaimed space, and hold it for our own. Where, doesn't matter, there is advantage for different reasons.
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Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
We will never be a majority, the player to npc ratio is intended to favor NPC s by design.

Furthermore, we are not able to own territory in the traditional sense. We can have an org hangar, but we can't "claim" space like one can in eve.
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Jul 14, 2015
RSI Handle
I made this map of the Odin System this morning, feedback and suggestions appreciated!

This is scaled to be printed on an 18"x24" roll of paper and is more in line with what real printed maps and survey maps look like. I think this is what a captain or pilot would have printed as backup on their ship. I do this for a living, I know it's missing measurements because I don't have any but the layout is correct :)


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Grand Admiral
Jul 28, 2015
RSI Handle
A lot of my points have been stated before, so I'll try to keep it concise.

I'm of the mindset that we should (for at least the first month or so of PU) settle in some fairly safe UEE space in a position that provides a safe place for our players to learn the game mechanics and allow TEST to build a bank/base with (hopefully) little trouble. From there, we can always move. Settling in a relatively safe spot keeps org assets (presumably) safe while we build our org bank to BUY ALL THE THINGS.

That being said - I'm also perfectly okay with a UEE system with low security or an unclaimed system. We're a large enough org that for at least the foreseeable future, we're going to have a literal fleet of ships online and available at just about any given time.

Aurora The Explorer

Rear Admiral
Sep 11, 2015
RSI Handle
Sounds to me like we might have to put all our eggs in different baskets. Depending on the cost involved, it certainly wouldn't hurt us to put a hanger up in several different locations. So we could have a secure UEE system hanger for our newborn Testies to fly around in, then have a larger base of operations somewhere like Nyx or Odin, and then a trading outpost of sorts at Fora, and then any volunteers capable of a roaming flotilla could establish temporary bases at key locations as they develop. Significant areas can then have a permanent presence established if possible.

This would cover all of our needs but comes at the cost of spreading ourselves out. We'd probably benefit from a good deal of diplomacy to make this work (offer membership to unaffiliated ships in our area of interest, form agreements with neighbouring orgs to not engage within a specific system, keeping our grey activities away from any base of operations - ie, don't shit where we eat).

So long as we focus on the social aspect of the game, there's little to stop an org of our size from carving up several different systems. If, later, we decide we want more power, there's nothing to stop us pushing other orgs out of our systems. Likewise, with a more distributed network it may be easier to move to a new valuable location should one be discovered.

We should still maintain a heavy presence it at least one system, which I still think Nyx is best for, but we should avoid placing all of our firepower in one place. A home base, a trade hub, some roaming flotillas, and a UEE presence should be sufficient if we have the numbers to sustain it.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Sounds to me like we might have to put all our eggs in different baskets. Depending on the cost involved, it certainly wouldn't hurt us to put a hanger up in several different locations. So we could have a secure UEE system hanger for our newborn Testies to fly around in, then have a larger base of operations somewhere like Nyx or Odin, and then a trading outpost of sorts at Fora, and then any volunteers capable of a roaming flotilla could establish temporary bases at key locations as they develop. Significant areas can then have a permanent presence established if possible.

This would cover all of our needs but comes at the cost of spreading ourselves out. We'd probably benefit from a good deal of diplomacy to make this work (offer membership to unaffiliated ships in our area of interest, form agreements with neighbouring orgs to not engage within a specific system, keeping our grey activities away from any base of operations - ie, don't shit where we eat).

So long as we focus on the social aspect of the game, there's little to stop an org of our size from carving up several different systems. If, later, we decide we want more power, there's nothing to stop us pushing other orgs out of our systems. Likewise, with a more distributed network it may be easier to move to a new valuable location should one be discovered.

We should still maintain a heavy presence it at least one system, which I still think Nyx is best for, but we should avoid placing all of our firepower in one place. A home base, a trade hub, some roaming flotillas, and a UEE presence should be sufficient if we have the numbers to sustain it.
I think we can maintain a decent amount of spread without being too far from each other. Nyx and Terra, for example.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
if travel is at all time consuming we're all gonna wind up with multiple characters in different locations that are optimal for the playstyles that we enjoy

a location with abundant opportunities for PVP isn't likely to be the best place to make money to replace your blown-up ships

you might enjoy exploring the outer reaches, but that character won't make it back to HQ in time to join up for the weekly drunk roam



Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
if travel is at all time consuming we're all gonna wind up with multiple characters in different locations that are optimal for the playstyles that we enjoy

a location with abundant opportunities for PVP isn't likely to be the best place to make money to replace your blown-up ships

you might enjoy exploring the outer reaches, but that character won't make it back to HQ in time to join up for the weekly drunk roam

Well, you might.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
New list of systems according to the criteria as follows:

Systems that are adjacent to unclaimed/lawless systems, as well as meeting the criteria of low-security (despite being claimed by UEE).

  1. Terra,
  2. Stanton,
  3. Bremen,
  4. Odin,
  5. Castra,
  6. Davien,
  7. Nexus,
  8. Ellis,
  9. Kilian,
  10. Banshee,
  11. Tamsa,
  12. Fora,
  13. Charon,
  14. Helios,
  15. Goss,
  16. Tohil.
If anyone has identified other candidates, please mention it! I'll add it to the list.


Space Marshal
Jul 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Stanton/Terra probably can't be bad choices. Charon, as you pointed out to me, doesn't look bad for those that want to have extra trading opportunities.
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