Help Blind Owl With his Addiction

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm was drinking! I'm so SORRY!! Haha. You guys are killing me
Are we sure @Blind Owl has a post-liking-disease?
To confirm, we must see if he will like this picture of 220 gallons of maple syrup spilled on the highway, never to grace a stack of pancakes again.
View attachment 6644
I would cry, except I know this truck was rolled by attack moose and squirrels to stop the hoarding of precious maple syrup by evil corporations (not to be confused with our not-so-evil corporate efficiency). I know for a fact every drop of this "spilled" syrup was ingested by the animals that keep Canada strong: the moose, the squirrel, the sasquatch and the mighty mighty beaver!
stop and reflect on how we've become the most active group in the 'verse

if we had to depend on quality posts to get 'likes' this forum would dry up and wither away to nothing

the 'likes,' deserved or not, encourage us to open up, and keep us coming back for more

and in doing so we form real friendships and connections

edit: FYI @Blind Owl has notifications turned off
he can't be arsed to come running every time he gets a mention
he's too busy clicking 'like' in some other thread for that
Well said good sir. I shall continue to spread my likes like syrup: sticky, sweet, and full of nutrients.<< I have no idea what that means.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Hey fellow Testies, I would like to talk about a very sensitive subject that everyone has been ignoring. Blind Owl's Like Post Addiction. I think we all need to band together for our brother Blind Owl and help him by not liking any of his post from now on. With our love and support maybe he can overcome this disease. Thank You:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I don't know if this is wise. He is a rather sensitive Owl who has sharp claws and a big pointy beak.
Best not to dissapoint him.
But have a like or an upvote. Or what ever the hell it is that Owl collects. More than enough ass kissin' to go around (the Verse).

Ya see what I did there, "around (the Verse)"?

(edited to make more sense)
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Hey guys, what's going on in here and where's @Blind Owl?
Wait a minute. You were suppose to watch him. It was your turn.

@Blind Owl is a pillar of this community
More like a pillar of salt.
That cleans and sterilizes our wounds. Yeah that's the ticket. He sterilizes us for our protection.

If @Blind Owl declares that he's giving up beer and TEST squadron for green tea and ADI, I'll *STILL* like the post!
Wait, wait, wait, let's not get carried away and give him any bad ideas.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This is why being an uncle is awesome XD love my nephews, but I get to hand them back haha
I know that feeling. Had it for the first ten years of my marriage. Then my wife got me drunk and said, " I have a great idea. let's be parents!". The end of one life and the beginning of a totally different one. Bye bye money and sleep. And privacy. And going out when ever we wanted. And vacations that didn't involve a rodent. And two seat rag top. Hello sleep less nights. And taking a day off to be with sick child. And rocking a colicky kid to sleep all night. And coaching little league. And Barney. And Bob the builder. Alright I was watching Bob the Builder before, but...

And I wouldn't change a damn thing.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
When it comes to @Blind Owl , we must remember that B.O.L.D (BlindOwl like disease) is extremely contagious. Its affect seems to be sent to epidemic proportions with the consumption of beer. in order to manage the B.O.L.D disease we must first control the catalyst that fires the epidemic. therefore the only way to control B.O.L.D is to control the beer. which every testie know cannot happen. therefore I see the world as being doomed as this bold expands and gross across the verse. And to think, everyone thought it would be a flu virus that finally eradicates human kind.
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