Pimped your spaceship? Lets share information!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I bought from Voyager Direct knowing it could all change at any time, the "I understand this is a Alpha" disclaimer made me frown every time but i accepted it... My extras can be sold to Dumpers Depot for some UEC if they turn out to be duds when the game is finished...

I spent roughly £x there on Mk3 Tarantulas flashfire mount and a combine. I got roughly the £x amount worth of play out of what i bought so can't say i am unhappy, and hopefully with the aiming and ammo glitch fixed in 2.6 i'll be able to get the use out of that flashfire mount and Combine too. Even if my Mk3 Tarantulas are nerfed to hell i still get an extra working gun back in the mix... but then maybe the S3 and S4 are going to be souped up...?

Best not worry about it until it happens (if), this won't be the final balance, far, far from it so everything is still subject to change after change after change.

Must admit hearing about the speed changes kinda put me off making my final pledge that would be a 350R - I don't want it to be just the fastest ship for racing, I want it to be the fastest ship for getting from to A-to-B in the PU quickly. If the max speed goes from 1000 to 800, it translates to being 20% longer in getting from the jump-in point in Yela to GrimHex to buy some T-Shirts.

A slash in speed because they wnat everyone to dogfight a certain way is a hell of a hit in a ship i do not want and will not be dogfighting in. It would like a set of steak knives being laced in skin-contact poison because the people who make the steak knives also make assassins stiletto blades that they think the kindest way to kill a victim is with a blade dipped in skin contact poison. Different tools for different jobs, yeah they want it to be the spiritual successor to Wing Commander but it is not Wing Commander is it? It will have mining and trading and all sorts of other stuff that reducing ships to a crawl will just not help and will make terribly dull. Trading will suck monkey nuts if you can't outpace your competitors to a lucrative sale.

No guarantee the 350R would be in the Sale but if it is i probably still would, but i am now seriously thinking about waiting until the Overclocking mechanic comes in to tweak my ship to what i want and need it to be instead of buying a different one that may be what i'm looking for now but may not be what i'm looking for in the final balance....
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
@NaffNaffBobFace i didn't understand the Cruise speed being significantly cut, maybe some re-balance per role. Combat speed, was gettings the slash for combat balancing. I expect your 350r is still going to be a blazing monstrousity.
Thats awesome, in that case if CIG would kindly pop it in the Sale i would be most obliged to the tune of a pledge for one :)


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So, the last days I made some experiments with my F7C-M SuperHornets - and made extraordinary discoveries how to handle the bugs of 2.6.
Which bugs?
  1. you can't define weapon groups in the Hornet
  2. the PIP - the "predicted impact point" or predicted position of the target - does not work properly within Crusader
  3. the shields are not working properly plus, worst case, on the top side there aren't any!
Does this mean the (Super)Hornet is a sitting duck?

My answer: no, if.....
...you shoot first.
...your opponents die fast.

To manage this, you basically are in need of two setups: one for Arena Commander and one for Crusader.

The very difficult challenge is that you can't separate the turret guns from the guns on the nose or the wings because of the missing feature to redefine weapon groups. So I tested a lot around by installing 117s, 227s, 007s, M4As; in general, I don't really like ballistic guns because of the limited ammo.
That being said: nothing of the before named weapon setups/combinations convinced me finally. Either the firepower is was high enough or the PIPs of the different guns wouldn't fit - or both.

But yesterday I found something, a possible solution: you can remove the turret of the Super/Hornet and install a flash mount instead. Thereon you build an Apocalypse Gatling Gun. Aside from its huge firepower it has one significant advantage: it does NOT fire as soon as you press the fire button! Furtheron: I put 3 x "Amon & Reese Pyroburst Scatter Guns" (what a name! :grimacing: ) on the nose and wings. The Pyroburst cannons have - in this setup - the advantage NOT to fire constantly if your are holding the firebutton down.

Now, flying in Arena Commander, you can fire at distance targets as well as close targets without the need of defining weapon groups. When the target is far away, around 2.000 meters, you press the button for the Apocalypse Gatling. Sure you waste one shot of the Pyro - but no more, hence your coolers are not harmed at that moment. Let your Apocalypse do the work. As soon as you reached the distance of around 600 m, give your opponent the kiss of death by using the 3 Pyros.

Okay, second story: this setup won't work in Crusader! Why? Because of the bugged PIP you won't be able to harm any ship with the Pyros. Thus I replaced them - again - with 3 x Panther 227. Its also a good setup BUT, pressing the firebutton for the Apocalypse, one 227 will also fire constantly and/or, if you want to use all Panthers at once, the Apocalypse Gatling will fire also all the time. Hence your coolers will bleed! Solution: replace the standard coolers by 2 x J-Span Cryo-Star Coolers. This will give your setup a few more seconds to fight your opponent down.

Agree with this setup? Anyother suggestions? Happy to read your thoughts about.
Sam :thumbsup:


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree. I have rocked the flash mount on all models of Hornet at one time or another. I prefer it to the turret in every case.
I am running a revenant canon on top and 3 broadswords on a Wildfire these days.
They sure changed things with the 2.6 patch. I'll have to re-visit the apocalipse arms gatling again to check the new version out.
I have also been rocking the j-span cryo coolers and some kind of regulas engine upgrades (3).


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I use 2 setups for AC, one against light ships, one against heavy ships.
In VS I use 2 wing mounted Panthers, the ball turret with 2 badgers and 1 Panther or 2 M3As for the canard turret. The ball turret and the canard turret deliver a lot of fast light firepower which doesn't overheat fast. The 3rd Panther on the nose gives more firepower, but will overheat a lot if the Badgers are used to its full potential.
In PS I use 2 wing mounted Panthers, the Flash mount with a M6A and a 3rd Panther on the nose. The 3 Panthers deliver heavy firepower and the M6A for the extra punch. I also tried the Canard turret with 2 M3As, but the pip of the M3A doesn't match the Panthers pip. The M6A pip is close to the Panthers pip.
I didn't play around with different coolers, because they didn't had any effect in the past. Maybe time to experiment with them too. Right now I'm concentrating on Star Marine because the "Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron" started and I want to give my teammates a fighting chance because I'm a really bad noob with FPS :nerd::head_bandage:

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
So, the last days I made some experiments with my F7C-M SuperHornets - and made extraordinary discoveries how to handle the bugs of 2.6.
Which bugs?
  1. you can't define weapon groups in the Hornet
  2. the PIP - the "predicted impact point" or predicted position of the target - does not work properly within Crusader
  3. the shields are not working properly plus, worst case, on the top side there aren't any!
Does this mean the (Super)Hornet is a sitting duck?

My answer: no, if.....
...you shoot first.
...your opponents die fast.

To manage this, you basically are in need of two setups: one for Arena Commander and one for Crusader.

The very difficult challenge is that you can't separate the turret guns from the guns on the nose or the wings because of the missing feature to redefine weapon groups. So I tested a lot around by installing 117s, 227s, 007s, M4As; in general, I don't really like ballistic guns because of the limited ammo.
That being said: nothing of the before named weapon setups/combinations convinced me finally. Either the firepower is was high enough or the PIPs of the different guns wouldn't fit - or both.

But yesterday I found something, a possible solution: you can remove the turret of the Super/Hornet and install a flash mount instead. Thereon you build an Apocalypse Gatling Gun. Aside from its huge firepower it has one significant advantage: it does NOT fire as soon as you press the fire button! Furtheron: I put 3 x "Amon & Reese Pyroburst Scatter Guns" (what a name! :grimacing: ) on the nose and wings. The Pyroburst cannons have - in this setup - the advantage NOT to fire constantly if your are holding the firebutton down.

Now, flying in Arena Commander, you can fire at distance targets as well as close targets without the need of defining weapon groups. When the target is far away, around 2.000 meters, you press the button for the Apocalypse Gatling. Sure you waste one shot of the Pyro - but no more, hence your coolers are not harmed at that moment. Let your Apocalypse do the work. As soon as you reached the distance of around 600 m, give your opponent the kiss of death by using the 3 Pyros.

Okay, second story: this setup won't work in Crusader! Why? Because of the bugged PIP you won't be able to harm any ship with the Pyros. Thus I replaced them - again - with 3 x Panther 227. Its also a good setup BUT, pressing the firebutton for the Apocalypse, one 227 will also fire constantly and/or, if you want to use all Panthers at once, the Apocalypse Gatling will fire also all the time. Hence your coolers will bleed! Solution: replace the standard coolers by 2 x J-Span Cryo-Star Coolers. This will give your setup a few more seconds to fight your opponent down.

Agree with this setup? Anyother suggestions? Happy to read your thoughts about.
Sam :thumbsup:
Something new to try. This is why I prefer the hornet to the Sabre: versatility.
Also, coolers work now?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I use 2 setups for AC, one against light ships, one against heavy ships.
In VS I use 2 wing mounted Panthers, the ball turret with 2 badgers and 1 Panther or 2 M3As for the canard turret. The ball turret and the canard turret deliver a lot of fast light firepower which doesn't overheat fast. The 3rd Panther on the nose gives more firepower, but will overheat a lot if the Badgers are used to its full potential.
In PS I use 2 wing mounted Panthers, the Flash mount with a M6A and a 3rd Panther on the nose. The 3 Panthers deliver heavy firepower and the M6A for the extra punch. I also tried the Canard turret with 2 M3As, but the pip of the M3A doesn't match the Panthers pip. The M6A pip is close to the Panthers pip.
I didn't play around with different coolers, because they didn't had any effect in the past. Maybe time to experiment with them too. Right now I'm concentrating on Star Marine because the "Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron" started and I want to give my teammates a fighting chance because I'm a really bad noob with FPS :nerd::head_bandage:
I've never been a fan of the panthers and badgers, but with all this talk, I may have to try them out.

What loadouts do you use in PvP battle? I seen to get my ass handed to me all the time by panthers and badgers.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So, the last days I made some experiments with my F7C-M SuperHornets - and made extraordinary discoveries how to handle the bugs of 2.6.
Which bugs?
  1. you can't define weapon groups in the Hornet
  2. the PIP - the "predicted impact point" or predicted position of the target - does not work properly within Crusader
  3. the shields are not working properly plus, worst case, on the top side there aren't any!
Does this mean the (Super)Hornet is a sitting duck?

My answer: no, if.....
...you shoot first.
...your opponents die fast.

To manage this, you basically are in need of two setups: one for Arena Commander and one for Crusader.

The very difficult challenge is that you can't separate the turret guns from the guns on the nose or the wings because of the missing feature to redefine weapon groups. So I tested a lot around by installing 117s, 227s, 007s, M4As; in general, I don't really like ballistic guns because of the limited ammo.
That being said: nothing of the before named weapon setups/combinations convinced me finally. Either the firepower is was high enough or the PIPs of the different guns wouldn't fit - or both.

But yesterday I found something, a possible solution: you can remove the turret of the Super/Hornet and install a flash mount instead. Thereon you build an Apocalypse Gatling Gun. Aside from its huge firepower it has one significant advantage: it does NOT fire as soon as you press the fire button! Furtheron: I put 3 x "Amon & Reese Pyroburst Scatter Guns" (what a name! :grimacing: ) on the nose and wings. The Pyroburst cannons have - in this setup - the advantage NOT to fire constantly if your are holding the firebutton down.

Now, flying in Arena Commander, you can fire at distance targets as well as close targets without the need of defining weapon groups. When the target is far away, around 2.000 meters, you press the button for the Apocalypse Gatling. Sure you waste one shot of the Pyro - but no more, hence your coolers are not harmed at that moment. Let your Apocalypse do the work. As soon as you reached the distance of around 600 m, give your opponent the kiss of death by using the 3 Pyros.

Okay, second story: this setup won't work in Crusader! Why? Because of the bugged PIP you won't be able to harm any ship with the Pyros. Thus I replaced them - again - with 3 x Panther 227. Its also a good setup BUT, pressing the firebutton for the Apocalypse, one 227 will also fire constantly and/or, if you want to use all Panthers at once, the Apocalypse Gatling will fire also all the time. Hence your coolers will bleed! Solution: replace the standard coolers by 2 x J-Span Cryo-Star Coolers. This will give your setup a few more seconds to fight your opponent down.

Agree with this setup? Anyother suggestions? Happy to read your thoughts about.
Sam :thumbsup:

I have to revise something: the PIP only works correctly in singleplayer games! Thus yesterday, when I went into Arena Commander multiplayer related fights, I had to notice that the Pyros are - like in Crusader - completely useless.

Aside from that: hell, @marcsand2 is a marvelous dogfighting pilot!
@Blind Owl I'd say that coolers are working. But REC some and try it for yourself.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Aside from that: hell, @marcsand2 is a marvelous dogfighting pilot!
Thanks allot :grin: I must learn to use the appropriate fighter. In PS the Delta is way too light. It can hold up with the light and medium fighters, but when Cutlasses and Vanguards enter the Arena, all ballistics get used to kill one heavy fighter.
In VS it is the perfect fighter. Yesterday I entered VS with 2 Super Hornets, it was a tough fight and I only managed to get to wave 17 with 5 fighters. After that match I switched to the Delta again together with 2 Super Hornets and it swiftly went through the waves like a hot knife through butter without losing a single fighter.
The SH had to fight in Broken Moon, the Delta fought in Dying Star. I must try if there is a difference in difficulty besides the asteroids and bad light.
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