SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Ouch, seems I've missed that challenge ^^ I'm still at home, waiting....and waiting.
But doing some work for my employer ist a good thing. Although, often enough I miss to have a look into the forums. Trust me: when I'm in the office, I usually have lots of time for surfing and chilling. But here, at home - I don't know. Perhaps I should make some kind of "test squadron scsheduler". :smile:
So, how's everybody?
Oh, I have to tell you something: due to the donations on my patreon-account I was able to buy me a new PC. Since prices for AMD CPUs before the easter days where pretty low, I did not hesitate any longer: got the Ryzen 1800x for 250 EUR, mobo for 70, midi tower for 70, 16 GB of 2800 GSkill RAM for 150; thus, including 90 EUR for the assembly of all, the PC cost me 800 EUR net. Delivery for the new PC was scheduled for Wednesday, last week. On Tuesday, as if my old PC knew that his time had come, he gave me...the finger...displayed as a lot of bluescreens. Lucky enough, I was able to rescue most of the data, though. Still, I can't explain what happened. I made lots of investigations (had some time until delivery of the new PC ^^) and it turns out, that one RAM module has a defect as well as the mobo and one harddisk.I wonder what this could cause such damage. The power supply is still working fine, and its a brand article. And there were no thunderstorms which could have caused some kind of overvoltage damage or the like...
But, long story short: lucky lucky lucky me the new PC arrived one day after the "sudden death" of my old 8350 - may he rest in peace(s) - thus I was able to produce and release my next vid on Youtube in time as scheduled :beers: *phew* :grinning::thumbsup:
As for the new PC - well, not as much more performance as expected, at least looking to gaming performance. But when it comes to doing the maths aka rendering videos, doing heavy multi-threading stuff - thats when the 1800x can play with its muscles! For my last ATV translation it needed 30 minutes of rendering time - my old 8350 would've needed three times as long! Plus, no system freezes AND I can keep working on when saving the data. Until today I didn't know how much relaxation a fast PC means for working. :upside_down::v:
So, yeah, thats all new for today. Works - I mean, my real work, not my hobby - is waiting. Gotta go and earn my monthly salary.
Have a good week everyone!

P.S.: M.2 960 is a beast, even the EVO!


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
as if my old PC knew that his time had come, he gave me...the finger...displayed as a lot of bluescreens. Lucky enough, I was able to rescue most of the data, though. Still, I can't explain what happened. I made lots of investigations (had some time until delivery of the new PC ^^) and it turns out, that one RAM module has a defect as well as the mobo and one harddisk.I wonder what this could cause such damage.
How is your grounding of the power net? Old house without grounding? New house with proper grounding?
P.S.: M.2 960 is a beast, even the EVO!
I know, it isn't fair competition, but my Optane beats everything. why? very simple, it may even be not the fastest, but the price performance is just marvelous. Citizencon was really a blast, it gave me the Optane for free. I'm sorry, no salt intended, I'm very sorry for mentioning it, like I said, very unfair competition, sorry.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
1 word: coffee
I never used to like coffee before getting an office job. Now it seems to be the refreshment of choice.

Hi Sam, I thought it'd been a while since i'd seen you post - Good to see you're being kept busy :)


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
How is your grounding of the power net? Old house without grounding? New house with proper grounding?
Old house, build '64 - I'd say without a proper grounding.

I know, it isn't fair competition, but my Optane beats everything. why? very simple, it may even be not the fastest, but the price performance is just marvelous. Citizencon was really a blast, it gave me the Optane for free. I'm sorry, no salt intended, I'm very sorry for mentioning it, like I said, very unfair competition, sorry.
No salt taken :wink:Optane indeed is a beast, looking to both aspects - performance and PRICE. I have thought about it, but decided to buy one next year (or the year after). A buddy from the German SC told me that, running SC on an Optane, you don't have ANY loading times or else, because its working more like additional RAM than an SSD.

4527 posts and I only find this thread now?? I can't read all that, can someone sum it up in either:

4 words or less?


A short improvisational dance?
1 word: coffee

End of the Day having a Bailys and coffee - hope all is well Sam
Good Morning Captain Call! Well, yeah, basically everything's fine, thanks for asking. I'm still waiting for my medical surgery, but nevertheless I'm allowed to work for my employer, thus earning my monthly salary, family is healthy - everythings fine :thumbsup:

Well, its...what day is it today? *gasps* Thursday!? Its Thursday already, really??
That week went fast...:scream_cat:
Quick - have a coffee before its weekend!
But no, wait - lets not get hasty.
Lets enjoy a little moment of...latte macchiato.:lipstick::lips:


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I never used to like coffee before getting an office job. Now it seems to be the refreshment of choice.

Hi Sam, I thought it'd been a while since i'd seen you post - Good to see you're being kept busy :slight_smile:
Hi, coffee is fine - but, as a suggestion, have an eye on the amount you drink per day.
(I love this girl, so cute and smart:revolving_hearts:...that being said: my wife would understand. She would say: totally your "predator-prey system" (Beuteschema) :grimacing::grin:


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Old house, build '64 - I'd say without a proper grounding.
Maybe worth looking at that direction. usually no grounding doesn't has to be a problem, as long as there is no defect electrical equipment. The grounding is for your safety. However, every PC, monitor peripheral has a grounding connector, nobody has enough power outlets in the wall to feed all the equipment, so people tend to use power strips. Those power strips connect the "floating" earth of all the equipment together.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Honestly, I have no idea about how to ground my PC... :flushed:
Get a shovel and start digging???

You don't ground your PC, you must add grounding to your power net. If you do it properly, where the power enters your house there also should be somewhere a grounding pin. From your fuse, all power lines have 2 outgoing lines: phase and null. it should be 3 lines: phase, null and grounding. To get additional grounding to your power outlet you actually must change wiring. Since power cables often are inside walls, this could become a challenge.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hi, coffee is fine - but, as a suggestion, have an eye on the amount you drink per day.
(I love this girl, so cute and smart:revolving_hearts:...that being said: my wife would understand. She would say: totally your "predator-prey system" (Beuteschema) :grimacing::grin:
That's funny, I really liked it when she said "Fuck" ... was it just me?


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Get a shovel and start digging???

You don't ground your PC, you must add grounding to your power net. If you do it properly, where the power enters your house there also should be somewhere a grounding pin. From your fuse, all power lines have 2 outgoing lines: phase and null. it should be 3 lines: phase, null and grounding. To get additional grounding to your power outlet you actually must change wiring. Since power cables often are inside walls, this could become a challenge.
Okay, gotcha - I will consult a local electrician! :)
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