Star Citizen 3.0 MEGA THREAD! Post your shit in here!


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Ah, a career politician, on the same level as reality TV stars - we must prey the two never mix and produce some entity that wins every vote even when trying to loose them.

Then again, with a name like Kellogg's perhaps he'll keep hunger at bay until lunch and be fortified with with your daily dose of vitamins and minerals.
It is now my personal mission to take this man down.

All I need is an Aurora and someone to pilot it. Any takers?


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
So, I had an adventure with the Nox today. That thing is fast, btw. Like, proper ship fast. Controls are still pretty weird, but once you get the hang of them, it's mostly fine. You can do the same thing you can with the dragonfly, where you bounce the ground slightly and go way up into the sky. From there, you can afterburner straight up and actually escape the atmosphere.

Cruising speed once you're out of atmo is around 1100 m/s.
Getting back down is a little more difficult, you have to do this odd kind of swooping flight path, and manage your speed well. First time I tried I crashed, but the second I nailed the landing. Well, you don't actually land, but you get the idea.
Here's a pic of reentry:

At this point, he's gotta be cooking in his space suit. :)


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
...But they have changed something and as Lord says it keeps freezing. The problem seems to CPU usage. This is a new fault, I have 8 cores, In 2.6 It used to max out 1 core. In 3.0 it has been spreading it evenly with about 30% CPU usage. In this build it keeps taking all 8 cores to 99% and the game freezes. At one point I froze as I entered the lift to the hanger at Levski. When the screen unfroze after 5 secs I was trapped between the lift doors in a space about 70cm wide.
Graphics are very good, And I am enjoying landings especially in the underground hangers. 3rd person view is vital if you do not use autoland.
Progress seems good to me
I get the same sort of lag-freeze thing. I wonder if more ram would help solve this. I have 16 now but I wonder if 32 might make a difference now.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
For all those who want to get into the PTU, you can just sub for a single month, not recurring sub, pay your 10bucks (+ VAT where applicable so it was like 13euro for me), and you can copy your character to PTU right away. It's kinda tricky, you have to go through the PTU website to grab the proper new launcher, download, and then play. If it works, lol.

New day, new patch, new problems. The newest patch introduced hiccups, aka the game freezes for a few seconds, then goes on like nothing happened. It's a random occurrence, not a "pulse", and it's very annoying, especially when one tries to land in tight spots like GrimHEX.
At least all the stuff is back on the shelves!

Went out to get a black box from a wreck, got shot up by NPCs? I guess... ship went dark but didn't blow up, so at least I got a few nice shots out the blown off/open doors:

View attachment 8334 View attachment 8335 View attachment 8336

Then I went on and flown around for an hour in a Hornet, bought a full 2SCU of WiDoW on Delamar (or Deymar?) and sold it at GrimHEX for the exact same amount. Then went for a short trip in a Prospector, just visiting places, and shopping clothes and weapons. Apart from the constant momentary freezing with the current patch, overall stability seems to have improved a fair bit over the last week!

Anyways, heres a gif of the sun setting behind Yela:
View attachment 8338
And even more great shots. I gotta turn my camera.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Flying fist fuck of justice I made it to Levski!!

On my 12th attempt.

I am trying a minor OC on my R7 360 2GB and was getting a nice 15 FPS at 1920x1080 and High - all was good until I got to Delamar, and dropped back down to <6 FPS.

Due to the low FPS and my slow progress as a result, my landing clearance was cancelled as I was literally 6 feet off the pad, so I stopped, called them back up, got a new clearance and then landed, yay!! Super cool to see the contextual MFD page come up to give easy access to the landing request for Levski landing Control (was trying the Wildfire F7C, not sure other ships do it).

Walked around a little, tough to do at 2 FPS, but more than anything this help puts the hype train back on the rails for me - I see the potential - for the 10-ish minutes I had 15-20 FPS at Olisar it was glorious.

Some screengrabs plus the carnage from my CamperStang crash landing at Levski earlier this week.

All suiteed up and ready to go - dig the new armors!

Enroute shot from a previous attempt with the Turkey

Looking out from Levski

Oh, that's not right....and it's gotta hurt

As promised, the CamperStang after the fall



Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Went to Daymar to checkout the ground stations and maybe catch a sunrise - fucking epic, even at 8 FPS - I love this PTU even as glitchy as it is

Turkey inbound for planetfall

Landing at night in the wilderness is no fucking joke, and I'm a real fucking pilot

But the result is EPIC!


And the fucking sun comes up

Blast off

Thank you Chris Roberts, there are no words.

Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I get the same sort of lag-freeze thing. I wonder if more ram would help solve this. I have 16 now but I wonder if 32 might make a difference now.
Looking at my task manager RAM memory and GPU are well under maximum, I have 16GB RAM, SC uses about 7GB but can go as high as 9GB.
When it freezes I check the CPU on task master (I play with taskmanager open on another screen) and it goes up to 99% and taskmanager shows it in red. I also have roccat power grid open on an ipad. That shows all 8 cores maxing out at the same time, (sometimes it is less than 8 maxing out.)
So for my system it is the CPU.
I have an i7 6800. So this is a problem CIG's end


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Went to Daymar to checkout the ground stations and maybe catch a sunrise - fucking epic, even at 8 FPS - I love this PTU even as glitchy as it is

Thank you Chris Roberts, there are no words.

Vanguard is love, vanguard is life.

*doffs cap*


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I swear, it wasn't my fault!
View attachment 8371
(if you look in the upper right, you can see how crappy my fps is. I still love this game!)
Let me draw your attention to my fps in every single screenshot I have:

And I have a lot more screenshots too, believe me. You do have a point though, it's still pretty great.



Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
its the 255ms that is most surprising, are you in the USA server?
Yeah. I am nearer to east coast, and their servers are west coast, which explains some of it, but my ping tends to be pretty sucky in SC. If I try the EU servers, it gets even worse.
And it's not on my end, either. Other games, I routinely get a ping of around 30, and even if the servers are in California, like 90 at the highest, on good servers at least.
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