Space Marshal
I'll give it a shot, myself, but I've got class tonight after work, so if someone else beats me to the punch, oh well.So i got an answer from one of the breweries.
A carton with 24 bottles is 40 € + shipping with a custom label. Now this is only the price for 1 carton. The brewmaster says it will get cheaper the more i order.
I will order it, to test quality, but i need a photoshop master who can design a label. i tried it but i horribly failed.
The size of the label has to be 105 x 74 mm. And it will need some official information on it e.g. how much alcohol is in it and the quantity of beer and stuff like that.
I try to summon Loteus, maybe he is willing to design a logo. But anybody with descent photoshop skills can throw in some ideas.
The bottle is designed like that:
and i was thinking of a logo like that:
Where the face is there should be written "LTI" in big letters, above "Lifetime Inebriation" and on the banner "Premium TEST Brew", at least that's how i would design it. And above that it should be mixed with our Test Squadron Logo.
Now this is only an idea.
Oh and the sort of beer is called "Helles"
This sort is tasty and at the same time doesn't offend non-german beer drinkers. (I hope i don't offend anyone with that statement, taste is different from person to person, and in my various occasions i was out of the country, beer always tasted much lighter)
Also, is there any place I can either get a vector format of the TEST logo?