The Return to the Good Star Wars

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Filoni is a hack that doesn't understand the source material, doesn't understand the audience and doesn't understand how to entertain. He has retconned things he didn't need to retcon except to stroke his own ego.
For example, why change Ahsoka's back story?
Filoni is George Lucas’ Padawan learner. They have been seated side by side for more than a decade so George can pass his legacy on to someone he trusts. They wrote Clone Troopers, Rebels and Ahsoka together, seated right fucking next to each other. George and Dave are the source for Ahsoka, but primarily Dave is given the credit for her creation.

So much for your analysis. This is why I am recommending Preparation H over posting on this topic. If you don’t believe the Source is faithfully representing the Source, there’s little discussion gonna change your mind.

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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Filoni is George Lucas’ Padawan learner. They have been seated side by side for more than a decade so George can pass his legacy on to someone he trusts. They wrote Clone Troopers, Rebels and Ahsoka together, seated right fucking next to each other. George and Dave are the source for Ahsoka, but primarily Dave is given the credit for her creation.

So much for your analysis. This is why I am recommending Preparation H over posting on this topic. If you don’t believe the Source is faithfully representing the Source, there’s little discussion gonna change your mind.

If he is a Padawan learner, he didn't learn squat.

He retconned Ahsoka's Origin Story.
He retconned Ahsoka's fighting style.
He retconned Sabine's training.
He retconned light saber damage.
He even retconned Star Wars.

This isn't Star Wars. I don't know what you want to call this crap, but it isn't Star Wars.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper

Viewers praised director Dave Filoni for his razor-sharp transitions, which resulted in a shot of Anakin that surprised and delighted. Link in the comments for more on the cinematography of the episode.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
View attachment 24867

Viewers praised director Dave Filoni for his razor-sharp transitions, which resulted in a shot of Anakin that surprised and delighted. Link in the comments for more on the cinematography of the episode.
It's $1.99 for a month, which means you get all the episodes. Watch it and then tell us how great it is.

Wasn't IGN the guys that told us Squadron 42 was about to be released?
While we continue to wait for the ever-expanding Star Citizen to catch up to its massive crowd-funded promises, the first episode of its single-player campaign, Squadron 42, is set for launch in 2017. With its star-studded cast that includes Star Wars’ Mark Hamill, The Dark Knight’s Gary Oldman, and The X-Files’ Gillian Anderson, we’re expecting to be led through a meaty 70-mission introduction to the Star Citizen universe with both Wing Commander-style space dogfighting and first-person shooter combat. -- Dan Stapleton, Executive Editor
DEC 29, 2016 12:00 PM
One of many.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’m sorry but I’ve seen too much to get worked up over your complaining. Whimper and whine all you like. It doesn’t affect me. The fans are endorsing it.

Try to understand, those who want to see SW come back from the abyss of radical feminism and woke stupor are thrilled. Those who want to whine are whining. Go with your gut. If you want to spend your golden years complaining, go ahead. My momma didn’t raise such a sissy boy.

You should pause here and ask yourself if you make any sense at all. I don’t think so. Whining because for the first time someone survived a light sabre strike through the torso is like saying LucasArts isn’t allowed to do anything new without your permission. Oh no wait, there was that time Darth Maul got cut in half and survived. Huh.

The real men never make other than real complaints. Yours are not real complaints. The story sounds awesome and you haven’t commented on that at all. My only conclusion has to be you are invested in your whining.

Now in this scene, we see our humbled protagonist push the stick forward and yet his ship pitches up. We can choose to whine about this or just enjoy the show. Which makes more sense to you?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The 5 highest rated chapters of the Star Wars
universe series on the IMDb site:.
1- The Rescue ('The Mandalorian $2').
2 - "Shadow Warrior" ('Ahsoka")
3- "La Jedi" ('The Mandalorian S2').
4- Redemption ('The Mandalorian $1')
5- "Out of the Desert Comes a Stranger" ("The
Book of Boba Fett)

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I’m sorry but I’ve seen too much to get worked up over your complaining. Whimper and whine all you like. It doesn’t affect me. The fans are endorsing it.

Try to understand, those who want to see SW come back from the abyss of radical feminism and woke stupor are thrilled. Those who want to whine are whining. Go with your gut. If you want to spend your golden years complaining, go ahead. My momma didn’t raise such a sissy boy.

You should pause here and ask yourself if you make any sense at all. I don’t think so. Whining because for the first time someone survived a light sabre strike through the torso is like saying LucasArts isn’t allowed to do anything new without your permission. Oh no wait, there was that time Darth Maul got cut in half and survived. Huh.

The real men never make other than real complaints. Yours are not real complaints. The story sounds awesome and you haven’t commented on that at all. My only conclusion has to be you are invested in your whining.

Now in this scene, we see our humbled protagonist push the stick forward and yet his ship pitches up. We can choose to whine about this or just enjoy the show. Which makes more sense to you?
From the guy that won't spend $1.99 to see if his praise is valid.

If you want Star Wars to come back from the Abyss, then the way Disney can make that happen is to shelve it for about 5 years and start over with an entire staff of new writers and directors then. This crap isn't it.

The vast majority of the "fans" aren't watching it. Even with the $1.99 price people are abandoning Disney+ in the millions.

Personal, ad hominen, attacks, have no place here.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm...I don't think a couple of YouTube content creators are representative of a 'vast majority' of fans.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Richard, personal attacks obviously have a place here. You have been shitting on Star Wars every chance you get, especially including very personal attacks against those trying their best to save the franchise in spite of the feminazi who is in charge. You don’t know Dave Filoni. You haven’t viewed Clone Troopers nor Rebels. You didn’t know who invented the Ahsoka character, but you were fine telling everyone Filoni was not being true to the source material. Fact is you don’t know shit but before the series aired you felt this need to come here and shit on everyone’s expectations. I gave you at least half dozen opportunities to say your piece and stop, and yet you never fucking stop.

You’re not a film critic, and I’m not your bloody fucking therapist. What’s wrong with you that you have to continue on and on and on?

This is about storytelling. This is about whether Filoni can pull the hat trick and save Star Wars. So far, the fans are loving Ahsoka. As I posted, this last episode ranked number two for best tv episode ever. That says a lot given no one even thought to complain about Mando until season three.

So stop shitting in people’s porridge. Let people watch and see if they don’t love it. You don’t love it. Okay, we got that, but those who never watched Clone Troopers or Rebels aren’t usually counted as fans. We don’t give a shit if you don’t like it. We’re going to take it on its merits regardless and its artistic merits do not include the kinds of things you think it does. Just give us a fucking break.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Hmm...I don't think a couple of YouTube content creators are representative of a 'vast majority' of fans.
They are fans. I never said they were the vast majority or even the majority.

The vast majority of fans aren't watching Ahsoka. The first episode had half the viewership of the Book of Obi-Wan, more than 400,000 less households than Season 3 of the Mandalorian, etc. The first episode is tied for the lowest viewership of any Disney+ Star Wars series.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Richard, personal attacks obviously have a place here. You have been shitting on Star Wars every chance you get, especially including very personal attacks against those trying their best to save the franchise in spite of the feminazi who is in charge. You don’t know Dave Filoni.
I don't have to know Dave Filoni to critique his work. I have been saying Disney Star Wars is crap, not Star Wars in general. That is not the same thing.

You haven’t viewed Clone Troopers nor Rebels.
False. I have watched all of Clone Wars. I watched some of Rebels.
You didn’t know who invented the Ahsoka character, but you were fine telling everyone Filoni was not being true to the source material.
It is irrelevant as to who created the character, this show is not consistent with the character in Clone Wars or Rebels.
Fact is you don’t know shit but before the series aired you felt this need to come here and shit on everyone’s expectations. I gave you at least half dozen opportunities to say your piece and stop, and yet you never fucking stop.
I predicted this series was going to be like the other Disney+ Series and I was proven right. You don't stop praising a show you admit you haven't seen.

I don't work for you, you are not my wife, you don't get to tell me what to do.

You’re not a film critic, and I’m not your bloody fucking therapist. What’s wrong with you that you have to continue on and on and on?
We are all film critics.
Damn straight you aren't my therapist. I wouldn't see a therapist as unqualified as you are.

This is about storytelling. This is about whether Filoni can pull the hat trick and save Star Wars.
And based on this show, the answer is no, Filoni can't do either.

So far, the fans are loving Ahsoka.
False. Some fans love it, some fans hate it, some fans think it is midland but the majority of fans aren't even watching it.

As I posted, this last episode ranked number two for best tv episode ever. That says a lot given no one even thought to complain about Mando until season three.
On IMDB which, like Rotten Tomatoes, has been caught padding stats.

So stop shitting in people’s porridge. Let people watch and see if they don’t love it. You don’t love it. Okay, we got that, but those who never watched Clone Troopers or Rebels aren’t usually counted as fans. We don’t give a shit if you don’t like it. We’re going to take it on its merits regardless and its artistic merits do not include the kinds of things you think it does. Just give us a fucking break.
Again, deaf one, I've watched Clone Wars and a couple of episodes of Rebels. The fact that you keep trying to claim I haven't just goes to prove you will defend a polished turd if it has the Star Wars logo on it, because you haven't even watched this and don't pay attention to answers.

You can't even use the right name for Clone Wars have you even seen it?

I get it. You are, like it's been said of Filoni, a 12 year old jumping up and down on the couch swinging a plastic light saber and making space ship sounds and thinking that is Star Wars. I wish I could take credit for the line but that goes to WDWPro, who is also a Star Wars fan, and had very little nice to say about Ahsoka.

Watch the polished turd, until then your opinion of Ahsoka doesn't mean squat.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
What an entertaining thread. It reminds me of my kids fighting over a hat. Please keep this going, I'm looking forward to it.
Yeah no kidding.

This is a TV show set in a fictional universe. You guys need to chill out a bit.

Thought you guys were losing it over CIG/SC for a bit! :wut:
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So this is the plan? If you shit all over everything enough, it will be ruined for everyone. Stating your opinion is not enough. You must shit on everyone and everything that does not agree with your opinion.

I seldom see so much small and petty but then, I’m not from California.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So this is the plan? If you shit all over everything enough, it will be ruined for everyone. Stating your opinion is not enough. You must shit on everyone and everything that does not agree with your opinion.

I seldom see so much small and petty but then, I’m not from California.
The plan?
You are conducting personal attacks, claiming everyone that doesn't like a show you haven't seen is a moron, and spending all this time defending crap you haven't seen.

Watch it.

tell us how it isn't poorly written, boring, derivative, and the characters aren't flat.
Until you've seen it, your opinion on the show is based on nothing but your fantasy.

And while I have lived in California twice, for a year each time, while attending DLI, I'm not from California.
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