Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)


Space Marshal
Sep 7, 2015
RSI Handle
Wisdom provided to the Owl. Thanks Cosmic.
In the context of this game, I reckon you've hit the nail on the head. Just never satisfied.

On that note, I'm contemplating letting go of the Carrack, and having something to work towards in game.
Maybe they need to change the name of this game to chasing the dragon.

Myself i started the same way with just an aurora package.......
Now i have over 1k spent as well......
Same here and trying really hard not to spend more.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
So right now, the only ships that are safe in my fleet are the Cat Combo and the Bucky.

My thought is too reduce the number of ships I own, so I get more use out of the ships I have.

That leaves me with $695 to play with.

Top contenders are:
1 Redeemer 250 - much DaKKa DaKKa.
2 Cutty Black or Blue 100/150 - for solo play when it happens. Nice rounded ship.
3 Small Salvage ship 140 - price based on Prospector.
4 Carrack 350 - dunno if I want this at launch, or have it as an in game goal. Live it though
5 BMM 250 - love this ship, but I have a feeling I'll be using the Cat a majority of the time.

I'm thinking I want to operate on the fringes of civilized space. The go-between for those who can't enter UEE space and the markets they need.
So smuggling.

I'll also throw in a healthy dose of salvage and fighting.
And exploration. And yes, I'm aware I don't have anything aside from the Carrack for explosion on the list. I kinda fell out of love with the DURp. I think I did anyways. Although an Aquila would be nice too...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
What i'm planing to do (If i ever get a computer that can run the game) is when the game goes live i'll have a couple of ships worth of "investment". Selling them second hand will generate much UEC which i will then be able to upgrade my main ride with.

Keep all of your ships, find out which one or two are your style when the game goes live and all the balancing has been done. When you are sure, sell sell sell and turn your favourite in to something a little more custom a la the millennium falcon verses a just another corellian YT-1300 freighter.

You'd probably hit the front page of the Testie Times for fastest hot-rodding of whatever ship you find favourite :)

Hadron Xon

Space Marshal
Jan 18, 2016
RSI Handle
I will be at around the 500$ mark when its all said and done. I have A Cat , Aurora, 2 dragonfly's and a Buck that may CCU to a blue.MY Cat will be my main ship and most likely be the first i fully upgrade.Regardless of what you have its important to note the the current ships we have are bare bones and will take time to upgrade them to their full potential.So if after a few weeks you take out a big ship that is still bare bones you may run into trouble due to other players upgrading their ships. You could potentially run into a person with a fully kitted super hornet who is wrecking ships twice its size.This is all speculation of course but i think its important to consider when deciding on a starter fleet.

So having 3-4 huge ships means your either not going to be flying them right away or your gonna get npc's or org mates to fly them and make money for you if that's a possibility. My dragons and Buck/blue will always be traveling with me so I will always be using them. The only ship that will get rid of is my Aurora which will be sold and the money used to hire npc's to work on my ship.

Main ship
escort / support ship
Cannon fodder
Dragons will be carried in the cat and used for personal transport.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So right now, the only ships that are safe in my fleet are the Cat Combo and the Bucky.

My thought is too reduce the number of ships I own, so I get more use out of the ships I have.

That leaves me with $695 to play with.

Top contenders are:
1 Redeemer 250 - much DaKKa DaKKa.
2 Cutty Black or Blue 100/150 - for solo play when it happens. Nice rounded ship.
3 Small Salvage ship 140 - price based on Prospector.
4 Carrack 350 - dunno if I want this at launch, or have it as an in game goal. Live it though
5 BMM 250 - love this ship, but I have a feeling I'll be using the Cat a majority of the time.

I'm thinking I want to operate on the fringes of civilized space. The go-between for those who can't enter UEE space and the markets they need.
So smuggling.

I'll also throw in a healthy dose of salvage and fighting.
And exploration. And yes, I'm aware I don't have anything aside from the Carrack for explosion on the list. I kinda fell out of love with the DURp. I think I did anyways. Although an Aquila would be nice too...
Babe, you definitely have a problem :D

I think, anyone who's lost his/her heart (and mind) into SC is going blindly into this money trap. When I started with SC - which was in February this year! - I've spend 80 bucks for the starter package including a 315p, for a little trading and exploring and being able to defend myself. Everything was fine - until I saw the Aquila. Love at first sight. I closed my eyes - and bought it. 380 bucks just gone. And then? I met TEST. This was the beginning of the end. :D
Until today I've spent 1500 bucks (+ grey market, summarized it should reach the 2k in the meantime) and have 15 ships on buyback from all this melting, buying, rebuying etc. And - every - fucking - week I'm telling myself: "That was it Sam. You're done. Wallet's empty. Fleet is perfect. Just leave it. The other ships are crap. Nothing of interest left there. Wow, did you see that Caterpillar-Vid...?"

So, when you asking us about your fleet and what to do, I only can answer you: there simply is no solution or "the right" answer for you. No suggestion. Just buy what you have to buy. And if you can't buy, just hopp into a ship of TEST - and have a beer ;)


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
When I started with SC - which was in February this year! - I've spend 80 bucks for the starter package including a 315p, for a little trading and exploring and being able to defend myself. Everything was fine - until I saw the Aquila. Love at first sight. I closed my eyes - and bought it. 380 bucks just gone. And then? I met TEST. This was the beginning of the end. :D
:) that makes me feel a little bit less guilty :D, which caterpillar vid??? :confused:


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmmm....think I beat you all with this SC ailment we've been experancing over the last few months, mine is more of a terminal disease. You guys have more of an itch that some cream will fix! LOL Not that this is a contest but.....

I WIN!!!!!;)

@Blind Owl.....dont think you need a Banu MM if you have a Cat, youll be doubling up with the hauling vehicles, plus you like the ugly ships! :p Banu is too pretty for you! LOL Have you thought about a Reclaimer maybe for your salvaging needs?

@Sam K Macer ....so have you made it with your ship purchases? Are you finially happy? Youll probably change your mind soon enough. :D Atleast you have stuff to melt and change around so your minimising further costs if something comes along that catches your eye.:rolleyes:


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Top contenders are:
1 Redeemer 250 - much DaKKa DaKKa.
2 Cutty Black or Blue 100/150 - for solo play when it happens. Nice rounded ship.
3 Small Salvage ship 140 - price based on Prospector.
4 Carrack 350 - dunno if I want this at launch, or have it as an in game goal. Live it though
5 BMM 250 - love this ship, but I have a feeling I'll be using the Cat a majority of the time.
No more Starfarer? Sad panda. You can borrow mine brother.

If i ever get a computer that can run the game
It shouldn't take too much unless you want a beastly gaming rig. My Lenovo Yoga 2 ThinkPad can technically run it...

Regardless of what you have its important to note the the current ships we have are bare bones and will take time to upgrade them to their full potential

"That was it Sam. You're done. Wallet's empty. Fleet is perfect. Just leave it. The other ships are crap. Nothing of interest left there. Wow, did you see that Caterpillar-Vid...?"
Am I, @Sam K Macer , and @Blind Owl the same person? This rings so true it hurts.

@Blind Owl.....dont think you need a Banu MM if you have a Cat
The MM has actually been described as a blockade runner, so it should have great engines and tons of armor. The Cat has weapons and boarding functions but is a bit sluggish. He totally needs both!
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