Inside Game is over, hosts moving to new positions in the company

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I am sorry to report that our favorite youtube channel is coming to an end.

Star Citizen First Hot Fix of 2021 is in. Lets talk about 30k errors

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The dreaded 30k we all get, why do we get them? Why can't they go away? Answers from Star Citizen devs within.

Video of Idris M firing at the surface of Hurston

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Some cool footage here of the Idris firing that S10, also taking a look at the total funding for 2020.

Horrible Star Citizen Attack Piece! Be Strong!

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What a wonderful gift to end the year! Enjoy this terrible Star Citizen hit piece!

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Gamer for life. Currently playing this, X4 Foundations and vaping Imps with my A-Wing in SW Squadrons.
Getting back to Star Citizen after a few years away from the game :3
There and back again...
Server meshing and the next 6 months will be either the triumph or death of this project
Not much is known from whence he came...
His own council does he keep...

Once a fighter for a lost cause,
now all he seeks is a job here and there,
don't much matter what or where,
enough to pay his way,
and keep ship and crew,
whole and hale,

and the peace and freedom...
of the eternal sky.

"May Event and Randomness Be in Your Favor"
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