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[Video] - Need to rant a bit about Anthem

  • 3,997
  • 39
Lets get this out of the way so I can focus on Star Citizen 3.5 :)

[Video] - Drake Corsair, and winner of the Ursa rover within

  • 2,659
  • 23

Green Ursa Rover Giveaway Inside! (Thanks to all who donated this past month!)

  • 7,515
  • 98
A big thank you to everybody that opened up there wallets under no duress at all. After paying off some hookers and a bar tab, we have exactly enough to buy a gross green colored Ursa rover.
We thought it would be a cruel joke to force some unlucky bastard here to have to own this abomination. Post in this thread and tell us why TEST is BEST! Rules:
  • Make one post only
  • Any bullshit will do, don't feel that you have to out-do Director Gunner
  • You need to be a main member of TEST, no filthy affiliates.
We will draw a winner next Friday the 22nd March.

[Video] Anthem needs a loot buff!

  • 976
  • 12
Bioware needs to crank up better loot rates in their current end game.

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Totally forgot TEST had a separate web page just happened to stumble on it in my buried bookmarks!
I'm gonna herd a bunch of those Egg-Titty-Cows onto my C2 and open an omelet bar...
Howdy ,
Contrary to my name, i am a good boy, i do not crime... But i will.
I'm pretty new to SC and looking for friends to chat and hang with and some guidance on what to do on my space journey.
I've been grinding the Delivery missions and some Mercenary Jobs but I'm looking to make some big $$
Also looking for more FPS fighting & Group missions.
Sixth anniversary with TEST Squadron! Yay! 🍻
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