[Video] Atlas is proving to be extremely popular here at TEST

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  • 38
For a game that got so many negative reviews, the real life stats I am seeing here at TEST is that more people than ever are engaged and enjoying it!

[Video] Squadron 42 Roadmap released

[Video] 3.4 Roadmap and beyond

My cinematic meandering showcasing the Lorville environment

  • 2,487
  • 18
"Chewing the Scenery" is a video series in which I showcase the amazing environments within video games. This time, I take meandering, cinematic tour through the massive city of Lorville on the planet Hurston in Star Citizen Alpha 3.4. LORVILLE is one of the many company towns Hurston Dynamics has established for its employees on the company-owned planet "Hurston". While the city overlooks some of the larger strip-mining operations that are currently underway, it exists in the shadow of "Central", the corporate headquarters for Hurston Dynamics. Lorville's three main districts, connected by a mass transit system, run the gamut from the working class grit & grime to the opulence of a galactic weapons manufacturer. All footage was recorded in game by me in Star Citizen Alpha 3.3 & 3.4 within the sandbox "Universe" or "Crusader" game mode in 4k 21:9, 3440x1440...

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Gamer for life. Currently playing this, X4 Foundations and vaping Imps with my A-Wing in SW Squadrons.
Getting back to Star Citizen after a few years away from the game :3
There and back again...
Server meshing and the next 6 months will be either the triumph or death of this project
Not much is known from whence he came...
His own council does he keep...

Once a fighter for a lost cause,
now all he seeks is a job here and there,
don't much matter what or where,
enough to pay his way,
and keep ship and crew,
whole and hale,

and the peace and freedom...
of the eternal sky.

"May Event and Randomness Be in Your Favor"
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