Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Friday 31st of July:

- World: Total number of cases passes 17 million, we passed 16 million on Sunday so again that's a million confirmed cases in the last 4/5 days.

- UK: Restrictions reinstated in some parts of North West England including Manchester, as cases start to climb again. Prime Minister announces other easing of restrictions such as allowing crowds of spectators at sports events and opening indoor venues like theaters put on hold for another two weeks to see how the situation develops, and advises face coverings will be required in more indoor areas such as cinemas and other places.


- US: Senior Republicans advise President no, there will be no delay to the 2020 elections in November.

- World: World Health Organization holds meeting to analyze and discuss the first 30 days if their reaction to COVID-19.

- Vietnam: Records first COVID death.

- Japan: Tokyo on verge of announcing a state of emergency if cases continue to raise.

- US: Florida records its highest death told at 257 in the last 24 hours, crushing hopes that second phase of the first wave being mainly young people would see fewer deaths. It has now been four days in a row where the record has been broken.

- India: At least nine people die after eating/drinking hand sanitizer, alcohol has been in short supply since lockdown started however sanitizer is plentiful, but not suitable for consumption.

- France: Cases rise 54% in a week.

- Poland: Record number of new daily cases.

- World: Reports indicates over a quarter of early COVID cases had travel links to just three countries, Italy (27%), China (22%) and Iran (11%).
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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I am honestly suprized by Iran being on the list of countries with the highest spread. I would have expected the UAE given its huge hub for international travel.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
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Here's a good example of what I don't think people are aware of --> what the healthcare workers are going through in a hospital. This is the Achilles heel of our response, if the hospitals get overrun, and healthcare workers don't have enough PPE or are exhausted, then the death rates will shoot up...

Worth noting, at the end of the photo-article, Dr. Varon states:
“People are calling my office and leaving threats because of all the media I’ve been doing, because they don’t believe that what we're doing is real,” he said.

Varon wants people to see: This is not a hoax. This is a real thing. People are dying.

“You have no idea my frustration when I leave the hospital, I’m heading home, and then in one of these outdoor malls I see a hundred cars, a bunch of young guys or young women having a party — no face masks, no nothing. That kills me,” he said. “People are not listening.”
(Also note...they have to put on PPE and wear it all day...and then get work done...if you think about how we all run around the stations in SC and don't change out of our flight suits because it's "too hard," or because "it takes 15 extra seconds," think about having to do your job all day (for 12-14 hours) wearing a crappy outer suit).


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
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Here's a good example of what I don't think people are aware of --> what the healthcare workers are going through in a hospital. This is the Achilles heel of our response, if the hospitals get overrun, and healthcare workers don't have enough PPE or are exhausted, then the death rates will shoot up...

Worth noting, at the end of the photo-article, Dr. Varon states:

(Also note...they have to put on PPE and wear it all day...and then get work done...if you think about how we all run around the stations in SC and don't change out of our flight suits because it's "too hard," or because "it takes 15 extra seconds," think about having to do your job all day (for 12-14 hours) wearing a crappy outer suit).
I know in certain countries, they've reduced the use of air conditioners in hospitals because there's evidence that the virus spreads easier in an air conditioned environment.

Imagine 12-14 hour work days in hot humid conditions while wearing PPE with no AC. Yikes.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Saturday 1st of August:

- UK: Government announces to repoen schools pubs and bars may need to close again to offset the increased transmission rate.

- US: $600 unemployment aid ends as talks between Republicans and Democrats fail to conclude in time, however talks continue. Apparently the sticking point is Republicans want the aid to be less.

- UK: Furlough Scheme begins to be phased out with firms and businesses being asked to shoulder some of the cost - starting with National Insurance and Pension payments starting August, then 10% of the cost September, and 20% of the cost in October with the scheme closing at the end of October.

- Germany: Mass "day of freedom" protest in Berlin as citizens claim their rights are being eroded.

- Russia: Announces clinical trials for its vaccine are over and mass vaccination will begin in October starting with teachers.

- France/Poland: Cases continue to rise.

- Vietnam: City of Danang to test whole population to battle outbreak.

- Belgium: Number of confirmed cases doubles in one week with an average of 448 new cases a day.

- US: Largest oil refiner by volume in the USA to close two refineries following downturn in demand for fuel caused by COVID-19
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Sunday 2nd of August:

- Australia: Spike in community transmissions sees hard restrictions back in Melbourne as COVID runs wild once again.

- UAE / Iran: COVID brings the two countries together for rare talks which were reportedly friendly and productive.

- US: Florida reports 7,104 new cases while testing stations close with tropical storm Isaias drawing near.

- India: Records 55k new cases in 24 hours.

- US: Records 58,947 new cases in 24 hours.

- Mexico: Sees another record rise in daily reported cases after overtaking UK to third place for total COVID deaths yesterday.

- UK: Manchester announces major incident and holds crisis meetings to plan response to rising cases.

- Germany: 18 police officers injured as they try to disperse lockdown protests.

- Philippines: President to chair meeting with his cabinet as a letter from 80 organizations lead by the College of Physicians sent to him stating that the country is "loosing the battle" against the virus.

- UK: Following reports a leading scientist suggested pubs and bars could close so schools can reopen, government spokesman says "We don't have any plans to do that" which is a shame because it sounded like a good idea considering cases are climbing once again and if the country goes into lockdown again the bars and pubs will be closed anyway.

- US: Fauci, the countries top infectious disease expert, advised Congress "the disparity between the outbreak in the US and those of European countries can be attributed to the extent lockdown measures were introduced." and that most European countries shut their economies down by 95%, while the US only closed its economy by half. President Trump responds by Tweet that this is wrong and again said that it was because more tests = more cases.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Monday 3rd of August:

- World: Confirmed cases pass 18 million. We passed 17 million on Friday meaning a million cases in the last 3/4 days.

- UK: New tests that can return an answer in 90 minutes to be rolled out in the UK next week.

- Iran: Reports emerge suggesting the number of cases and deaths have been under reported by as much as 66%.

- World: World Health Organization states there may never be a "Silver Bullet" for COVID-19 and that it will be long and drawn out.

- UK: (Following link NSFW) "Eat Out to Help Out" scheme launches, where the government will pay 50% of your meal at participating restaurants and eateries up to the value of £10 to help kick-start the struggling hospitality sector. Puerile minds snicker at the name of the campaign teeheehee. (Link in yellow is to Urban dictionary, NSFW.)

- UK: Manchester spokespersons make it clear although the city has launched a Major Incident, it is to heighten and quicken the response to the current situation as they would in the event of a flood, terrorist incident, or other disaster and that it does not necessarily mean things are going all the way to shit already.

- Malta: Country was going to hold 4 music festivals, however with cases rising these have now been cancelled, much to the disappointment of Rave Slaves across the globe. The lineups were huge, and with places such as Ibiza and Mallorca closing their club scene in the face of COVID it had been hoped Malta could become party central for 2020, however with transmission climbing this has become unviable.

- US: Countries leading expert Fauci the center of Fake News Viral Social Media campain claiming he is in favor of rolling out new vaccines without testing them. He has gone on record advising that, as a scientist, he is not for this. Unclear if this is an attempt at discrediting him or slowing the coutries Vaccine program, so other countries who are okay with trialing untested vaccines on their population can attempt to take a lead in the battle against COVID-19, as if it were some kind of rage-boner competition.

- UK: 938 new cases in the last 24 hours reported.

- England: Plans to test raw sewage drawn up to be able to better detect rising local hotspots.

- US: Oldest department store Lord & Taylor at 194 years old files for bankruptcy.

- Germany: Students start returning to school in some parts of the country.

- US: Pennsylvania man attempts to shoot shop worker to death for refusing him entry to a store without a face covering.

- Canada: Contact Tracing phone App receives criticism on accessibility as it is only available to Android or Apple devices which have been made in the last 5 years.

- Mexico: Minister announces schools will not reopen at the beginning of the academic year as cases still too high, saying "The pandemic represents one of the greatest challenges of our time"

- US: Following Coronavirus Task-force member Deborah Brix warning on Sunday that COVID was now "extraordinarily widespread" and was facing an unprecedented new phase in the pandemic, President Trump fires back his opinion that her observation based on science and facts was "wrong!" and a reaction to another politicians negative comments which made her "pathetic". Commenters wonder just how the US is supposed to make any headway in the pandemic response when the matter has been as politicized as it has, then look at the figures and realize it isn't.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Monday 3rd of August:
- UK: (Following link NSFW) "Eat Out to Help Out" scheme launches, where the government will pay 50% of your meal at participating restaurants and eateries up to the value of £10 to help kick-start the struggling hospitality sector. Puerile minds snicker at the name of the campaign teeheehee. (Link in yellow is to Urban dictionary, NSFW.)
Participating restaurants only huh? Yeah I can't imagine the UK government paying 50% of some bloke's anniversary night out with the Missus at Fat Duck or something.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Participating restaurants only huh? Yeah I can't imagine the UK government paying 50% of some bloke's anniversary night out with the Missus at Fat Duck or something.
It's legit, although conditions do apply which means your anniversary better be on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. I cheked and there are 36 participating eateries withing 5 miles of my home:

"Use the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme at a participating establishment:
  • to get a 50% discount on food or non-alcoholic drinks to eat or drink in (up to a maximum of £10 discount per diner)
  • every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 3 and 31 August
  • as many times as you like
You do not need a voucher to use this scheme and you can use it at the same time as other offers and discounts. There is no minimum spend.
You cannot claim discount on alcoholic drinks or service charges.
The discount will be automatically available to you at participating establishments. Establishments will then claim a reimbursement from the government for the discount they’ve given you.
Participating establishments may include:
  • restaurants, cafés, bars or pubs
  • work and school canteens
  • food halls
All diners in a group of any size can use the discount."


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
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People can dance around it all day long but I am tired of being nice.

Trump is directly responsible for losing American lives to this pandemic, don't mistake this comment as in blaming Trump for the pandemic but his response, attitude, neglect and even worse his misleading and lying about the facts of this pandemic has and is killing Americans, period.

He is a traitor, he is killing Americans and for no other reason than his own personal ego, let me say that again, his own ego... let that sink in for second. If this does not make a traitor in this country than nothing will.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 4th of August:

- Australia: $5000 AUD on-the-spot fine for anyone ignoring orders to self isolate. Harsh penalties follow reports of police being assaulted for attempting to enforece lockdown, with one woman repeatedly smashing a police woman's head against the ground.

- US: Trump campaign sends email to supporters encouraging them to wear face masks.

- Brazil: Politician who claimed pumping Ozone up your arse is a quick and effective cure for COVID ridiculed online.

- Spain: Madrid Open tennis tournament cancelled as cases continue to rise.

- France: Plans announced to pay carers up to €1,000 in recognition of their support work in the Pandemic.

- US: Dr. Fauci says America must get daily new cases down to 10k by September or the situation will be very bad come Autumn.

- Scotland: One Aberdeen pub linked to 32 cases and climbing. Of those there are 120 people who have come into contact with them who must also self isolate to avoid passing on any potential contagion.

- Russia/WHO: World Health Organisation raises health concerns about Russias plans to start vaccination in October - only 6 vaccines are on the list of those in phase 3 late stage human testing, and Russias treatment is not on it, still officially being in phase 1.

- Japan: Tokyo starts a database of COVID cases as record keeping has been revealed to have been relying up to this point on... a fax machine. (if it worked, it worked).

- Ireland: Cancels plans to reopen more pubs on Monday and announces face covering measures to come in.

- Poland: Reports record number of daily cases for the 4th time in the last seven days.

- Iran: Sees another record rise in daily cases reported.

- UK: Confirmed cases continue to steadily climb:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 5th of August:

- World: Confirmed deaths pass 700,000 as it only takes 16 days to see the latest 100,000 deaths, with one death currently occurring every 15 seconds.
The Top Five Countries:
1) USA over 150,000
2) Brazil over 95,000
3) Mexico over 48,000
4) UK over 46,000
5) India over 39,000
These account for over 378,000 deaths. Thats over half.

- Sweden: Economy appears to have fared better than its neighbors, but still posted it's worst result in decades with a much higher rate of infection and fatalities. Officials stress the approach was not designed to protect the economy, it was to put in place sustainable long term measures.

- UK/Scotland: Aberdeen imposes emergency lockdown restrictions as cluster emerges in the city.

- Spain: Records highest rate of cases since the end of lockdown.

- Afghanistan: Servey reveals over a third of the population may already have suffered COVID-19.

- World: Gold reaches a record high value of $2030.75 an ounce.

- France: Government increases aid for badly hit wine industry.

- US: Chicago public school system annonces it is to be the latest to launch all classes remotely online when term starts.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 6th of August:

- Canada: Calgary Zoo struggles to return two giant pandas to china as imports of fresh bamboo dwindle in the virus crisis, putting the animals at risk.

- US: Trump political reelection post pulled from Facebook and Twitter for including "dangerously misleading" information in the claim that children are immune to COVID-19.

- UK: Cases rise by 950 in last 24 hours, the rise in cases appears to be a steady yet strong growth.

- Scotland: 54 cases of COVID-19 now linked to one pub in Aberdeen, city on lockdown with residents warned not to travel in or out even for things such as pre-planned and paid for holidays.

- US: Ohio govenor tests posative for virus. He was supposed to meet the president shortly, but is now in quarantine for 14 days.

- Germany: Announces all visitors returning from high risk countries now required to take a COVID test.

- India: Becomes the third country to pass 2 million confirmed cases with infections doubling in just 20 days.

- UK: 50 million face masks bought by the government for use in hospitals now not to be used as they feature loose-fitting ear loops rather than tighter head-ties.

- Australia: Set to introduce more travel restrictions to battle rising infections.

- Belgium: Man ejected from Ikea for secretly shopping with his wife, restrictions mean only one person is permitted to go shopping at a time.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 6th of August:
- Canada: Calgary Zoo struggles to return two giant pandas to china as imports of fresh bamboo dwindle in the virus crisis, putting the animals at risk.
Freaking Pandas must be the pickiest eaters and all around most useless animals around. They only eat bamboo and refuse to copulate even when the fate of their species depend on it! If I meet a Panda, I'm gonna punch it in the nose!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Friday 7th of August:

- Africa: Millionth case confirmed.

- Mexico: Death toll passes 50,000.

- Norway: Tells citizens to avoid all foreign travel saying "the holiday is over".

- France: Daily confirmed cases at 2,288, a jump 40% compared to previous day.

- Italy: Similar to France, new cases jump by 38% on the previous day to over 500.

- Japan: Sees a record high 1,580 daily cases.

- Greece: Authorities increacingly concerned about the climbing number of young people with the infection.

- UK: 26 year old nurse working on the front lines in a hospital tending to victims of COVID ignored a pain in her leg to concentrate on the vital work she was doing, has leg amputated after tumor discovered.

- US: New York green lights school openings as cases continue to fall.
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