The Acolyte

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The thing that struck me most about this crazy reaction from Amandla is that she’s defending the queering of Star Wars when none of the complaints I’ve seen even mention it. I’m not aware of a single queer element. I’m sure there must be some, but over a score of reviews in, no one has mentioned a single complaint about this. Weird, that she doesn’t think addressing all the actual complaints as worthwhile, even when addressing the complaints.

BTW, compare this to complaints of old. There have been tens or hundreds of thousands of critical takes on film over the last century, and not until Disney did anyone think it appropriate nor pragmatic to send an actor, a director, a producer, etc. out to defend whatever critics were complaining about. Just crazy.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Nobody is talking about Gnosticism except you, you gargantuan dork. The only reason I ever speak up is for the sake of the forum. I Don't want visitors coming here thinking it is some Right-Wing Anti-Woke echo chamber. And if you STILL don't know what I am talking about when I bring up feminism and all the incel stuff....Guy you need to actually watch the content that you link to. These guys are raging Red-Pill nutjobs. Shiiit all you need to do is look at the thumbnail of one of your most recent videos to tell its a bit racist. "Black girl has black girl hair" is not an observation of note and proves how kinda stupid these guys are.

While YOU might want to talk about the backstage drama, nobody else seems to really care all that much. But no, you insist that your opinion is infallible and that everyone else just hasn't seen the light. Maybe posting ONE MORE Mike Zeroh video will get them to like you. And if they don't then they are just bully lib cucks. You're tiring. I'm tired of you and all the people like you. Old, angry at the world and set in their ways, whining how uncouth the rest of society has gotten. I am willing to bet my life's savings that you've used the term "Uppity" while in private. I am also willing to bet that there is a female in your life who you feel has wronged you. Maybe an ex-wife who went off the reservation or a daughter who doesn't want to talk to you anymore. Something has had to have soured you on the fairer sex. I'm no therapist, but I think you need a hug, my guy.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Naff, as per Bebop; I totally recommend Drinker’s perspective on this. I think he hit the nail right on the head. I never saw a complaint about making Jet black. The complaints were about stripping the gratuitous sexuality out of the source material.

Thanks, I saw that opinion on Bebop previously (may have been you who shared it when TEST had a thread about BeBop originally) and came to my stated conclusion based on what I myself saw in the show.

I also saw Drinker comment on one of CIGs Twitter posts recently using their number 1 account (they have a number 2 account too it seems unless number1 is a spoof?). I asked them a question on their comment but they didn't respond - shame, I'd have liked to have some clarification on exactly what they were alluding to.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well Han, that certainly explains the bullying. So to sum up, you hate my opinions, you hate my general demeanor, you hate what I stand for, and it simply does not matter what the topic is. You feel justified in generalizing anything I have ever said in the past and attributing it to what kind of person you think I must be. You’re sure you will object to the contents of a thread like this even when you do not view the contents. Additionally, you feel entitled to comment on the comments here you are deliberately ignorant of, spam nonsense posts into the thread and otherwise demonstrate your lack of self control and overwhelming loathing.

Did I get that right? This your position?

If so, how about we just both block each other? Seems win-win.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I didn’t know CIG makes posts on Twitter, or that Drinker responds to them. Makes me reconsider getting a Twitter (or “X”) account.

I had a Twitter account years ago but after a few months so no value in it and a lot of time spent. So I axed It. Maybe though, if you can actually respond to CIG and Drinker, it could be worthwhile.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I didn’t know CIG makes posts on Twitter, or that Drinker responds to them. Makes me reconsider getting a Twitter (or “X”) account.

I had a Twitter account years ago but after a few months so no value in it and a lot of time spent. So I axed It. Maybe though, if you can actually respond to CIG and Drinker, it could be worthwhile.
I can pretty much guarantee you nothing on that platform has changed, it's the same as always it has been :glorious:
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Well Han, that certainly explains the bullying. So to sum up, you hate my opinions, you hate my general demeanor, you hate what I stand for, and it simply does not matter what the topic is. You feel justified in generalizing anything I have ever said in the past and attributing it to what kind of person you think I must be. You’re sure you will object to the contents of a thread like this even when you do not view the contents. Additionally, you feel entitled to comment on the comments here you are deliberately ignorant of, spam nonsense posts into the thread and otherwise demonstrate your lack of self control and overwhelming loathing.

Did I get that right? This your position?

If so, how about we just both block each other? Seems win-win.
Your posts: WHACK
Your opinions: WHACK
Your sources: WHACK
Your demeanor: WHACK
You're the kinda guy who farts in an elevator and blames it on the only other occupant. You're the kind of guy that pays with pennies in the express lane. You're the kind of guy that calls people "Urban". You're the type of guy to order a steak well-done. You don't wear deodorant, you call phone sex lines for company, you swim in a t-shirt, you eat pungent homemade food on airplanes, you wear socks with sandals, you eat only the crusts of bread, you make high-pitched noises when surprised, you prefer mustard on french fries, when a little kid fake-calls you with their hand you never pick up, your toes are too long, your hair is greasy, and your teeth stink.


Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You can post what passes for your thoughts in that other Acolyte thread. This one is for thinkers. Please move along. Any continued harassment will be considered stalking and bullying.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Stalking? STALKING?! Hahahaha what a precious wittle snowflake. Block me or don't, brochacho. That's why its a feature. I will always be here living rent-free in your head. Protecting our forums from great "thinkers" like yourself. I'm basically Batman without an affinity for putting little boys in tights.

"Dear facebook, I officially revoke my consent for you to sell or use my data in any way. Doing so shall be seen as a criminal act and will be punished likewise..."

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Interesting. This is the first time I’ve heard references to an argument that Disney Star Wars is the fault of the fans for the way they responded to the prequels. We got what we deserve because we didn’t love on George for episodes 1-3.

Em, no. The fans did not earn the dishonoring of Luke Skywalker. That was all Kathleen Kennedy.

But yeah, some fresh thoughts about how and why The Acolyte sucks so bad.

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
BTW rumor. . .I watched a review I didn’t post about because it made all sorts of unsubstantiated claims, but the rumor is episode 3 goes after Yoda, and tries to dishonor him. If that happens, the internet is going to blow up.
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