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  1. Lorddarthvik

    My Stockholm syndrome holding strong - 5y

    Well, what can I say. Time flies like an aurora into the sun, fast and unstoppable . It's been a pleasure and a privilege to be part of you scummy drunken lot of no good drifters! Thank you! Looking forward to the 12+ years until Beta hits!
  2. Lorddarthvik

    Say goodbye to racing games...

    Say hello to full game price reskins year over year! With lootboxes! "EA Aims For Annual Racing Games After Codemasters Purchase - GameSpot"
  3. Lorddarthvik

    RiP James Bond aka Sir Sean Connery ☹️ F
  4. Lorddarthvik

    Help me specc a new PC! (Work+SC/Gaming)

    Heya fellas! It's that time of the decade, where I decided to finally build a new PC! Timeline is end of December, will try to grab the parts on sale, so not in a hurry. I don't know what mega-hyper-super-duper stuff will be released in the next months, so tips to wait for better stuff is also...
  5. Lorddarthvik

    Microsoft Buys Zenimax! (DOOM, Fallout, Skyrim, and the whole LOT!) I can't wait to buy Skyrim AGAIN for the new XBox!
  6. Lorddarthvik

    Need advice with Ryzen PC build (not for SC)

    Hey fellas I was asked by an older friend, who has no clue about what's good or not these days, to put together a capable PC. He got offered some really weird setup (low cost msi mobo with intel 10400, and some random crap amd gfx card with surprisingly decent gskil ram), so I wanna correct...
  7. Lorddarthvik

    1 HumbleMehhh Game up for Grabs FREE

    I've got some duplicates/games I don't care about still in my humble choices for this month! You can grab them for Free*, all you need to do is write a reason here why you want it! First comes first served! See below image for games available! All without a tick are up for grabs, total of 3...
  8. Lorddarthvik

    Mafia 1 Full Remake looking glorious! (OUT NOW!)

    UPDATE UPDATE: You can find my review-kinda-thingy a couple of posts down here. I've finished the game a couple of days ago, done some free ride mode as well. TLDR is, it's a pretty damn solid game! Steam says I spent 33 hours but I think about 10 of those was idling. So the story is rather...
  9. Lorddarthvik

    (Solved) WTB Joystick that does it all on the cheapo!

    So it's that time again when I survived another year without needing a new liver, so I wanna drop just a tiny bit of my monies on a more properer stick. I'm just tired of re-building the damn converter box for my very old but still incredibly awesome MS Swndr 3d Pro. Currently I own one working...
  10. Lorddarthvik

    The most misleading email I ever got....

    AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH! F U Humble Bundle... I thought they were giving away an Aegis ship instead of some useless trash indie game... yes, I know, I am crazy for thinking they would lol It's what happens when you don't have a beer for daaays!
  11. Lorddarthvik

    (solved) Skype blocks my online games?

    The problemwent away, for now at least, thanks for the answers! Feel free to use this thread for shitposting as usual Hey all, so I had to install this piece of trash software (Skype) for work reasons, and if it's running on the background, my online games like Star Citizen, World of Tanks and...
  12. Lorddarthvik

    Meanwhile, in the TEST kitchen... (pie)

    Well, this went as badly as you would expect from a Testie! Crash and burned, down the kitchen, almost. Halfway through the baking, the fluids leaked over the sides, made a nice big pool of burned sugary pile in the bottom of the oven, and smoked like a pothead on 4 20. I had to turn it off...
  13. Lorddarthvik

    103 million 9 year olds are now laughing at CitCon

    Hey Bros, we finally hit the mainstream yo! Video below, should start at that part View:
  14. Lorddarthvik

    They put a what in my Squadron?? (42 ask the devs vid)

    Female protagonist/player character in SQ42? Did I hear that correctly? That is news to me! Really awesome news! I'd sure as hell choose her over the guy with the "I don't know what I'm doing and I'm shy" voice lol Did you know about this? When did this happen? Who's the actress? Yes I'd...
  15. Lorddarthvik

    Crytek Case Settled!!

    Nothing of details is known at the moment, but according to boredgamer, it's settled, case over! Details might come on March 23rd. View: Good news, I guess? Unrelated Ps.: Bored will be away cos he is going to see Babymetal. I knew I liked this guy for a reason!
  16. Lorddarthvik

    Omg, what have i done?? 4 years???

    So it's been 4 years today since I joined you bunch of beer loving goofballs, and I just realized I've never even met a single one of you in-game!! I feel like it's about time to change that, so as my new TESTyears resolution, I vow to get in on one of the events (most likely racing) this year...
  17. Lorddarthvik

    Anyone into Diecast Cars? (and where to find em)

    Hey fellows! So as the title suggests, anyone likes and has a bunch of diecast (or plastic kit) cars? Airplanes and such too! Share your pics and obsession, and help out a fellow who has just found his newest addiction lol Lil backstory: Before our daughter was born I've given away my...
  18. Lorddarthvik

    No more boxruns for starter ships in 3.8?

    Yesterday I finally had a bit of free time to spend in 3.8, and after my usual shopping I went for a boxrun mission in my 300i. Only I couldn't! With my 300i and Aurora, the box gets dropped when climbing into the ship! The 300 has an outer cargo bay that can be lowered (barely works...
  19. Lorddarthvik

    Mining tears

    So today I finally had enough credits to rent a Prospector for a day! I never really tried mining before, only for a few minutes on a very broken PTU build, so it was a new experience. and quiet annoying at that... I had no idea where to look for rocks around Lorville, so I went to Arial to try...
  20. Lorddarthvik

    Caterpillar shenanigans (or how to get on via the legs, and steal a car in space) picture heavy

    Hey, I did a Test thing! No, I didn't crash my Cat properly, but I kinda miscalculated the landing. A bit. I've been renting ships and doing a standard box delivery every day since the IAE began, and today I took a Cat for a ride. I was to deliver a box to Daymar Kudre Ore from RnR AC 1...
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