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  1. Lorddarthvik

    PSA: 1060 owners DO NOT Update your NVIDIA Drivers to 397.31

    If you have a 1060 video card, do not update to the latest driver!
  2. Lorddarthvik

    3.1.3 is LIVE

    As the title says. I got to enjoy playing a fresh empty server as the first player on it! It was hitting as high as 72 FPS!! It was immensely glorious to witness the PU in such smoothness and fluidity. According to the patch notes they made some crash fixes, but not much else, I say we gotta...
  3. Lorddarthvik

    New Origin M500 teaser leaked

  4. Lorddarthvik

    AMTS 2018 (I went to a car show in Budapest, picture heavy!)

    International AutoMobile Tuning Show Budapest 2018 (It used to be Auto & Motor (as in motorbike) Tuning Show hence the need for Mobile, they didn't want to change the abbreviation) I know there are some among you who like to indulge in the automotive arts, so without further ado, here's a...
  5. Lorddarthvik

    Petrolheads, SUV owners, I need your advice (car buying)

    Edit: When it comes to buying such old cars, knowing the history and owner of the car is half the battle. So, if you know of someone, whom you know took very good care of their car and wants to sell it, and it fits the specifications, please send me a PM! Thank you! Hi fellow Testies, as the...
  6. Lorddarthvik

    CIG Schedule Report for 2018

    When all dreams shatter... What struck me is that the Object Container Streaming is scheduled for the September release, which means that no additional planets-stations-cities or anything serious location wise, will be added before the...
  7. Lorddarthvik

    Which ships to try in 3.0 for REC?

    Dear Testies, i need some suggestions as to which ships work best in 3.0. I got the wife an aurora starter pack over a year ago, and its time to get her introduced to crashing around the verse. She has no REC but I have a 100k left over from being subscribed, which means I can spawn it for her...
  8. Lorddarthvik

    Squadron 42 new page on RSI is up!

    The new landing page for Squadron 42 is up, and you can register for the newsletter and pledge for the game, in case you haven't done that already. There is also a link on the page to the upcoming Livestream SQ42 update. What's interesting, is the...
  9. Lorddarthvik

    Citizens of the Stars is (almost) worth watching now!

    View: With all the non-content that this show was filled with, I haven't watched it since the first few episodes. Yesterday, Disco announced on his twitter that he worked on some of the best things he did at CiG ever, and starting Monday, we would see it...
  10. Lorddarthvik

    Star Trek Discovery , first impressions (aka The Orville appreciation thread)

    Oh gawd, this thread is gonna end up as a burning wreck in a few days, isn't it? :smile: Oh, well here we go now: Soooo, did you watch it? If you are a Trekkie, do you even care to? WARNING, CONTROVERSIAL VIEWS will be expressed here!!! Also, those are actual spoilers there! As someone who...
  11. Lorddarthvik

    Happy Hour interview: Items 2.0

    Edit: ooops, writing this took so long that @CosmicTrader posted up a thread about it half an hour before this one. Be sure to check his, with a link to the stream on youtube in case you missed it! if a mod comes by, would you kindly pop my post in there and delete this thread? thanks! Soooo...
  12. Lorddarthvik

    New Subscriber perks... Wot? where??

    On yesterdays ATV new Sub perks got announced. I've been a Centurion level subscriber for over 2 years before I unsubbed in January as the "new"' shows got worse and way less informative than before. Now that the media content seems to be getting better along with the game, I was thinking about...
  13. Lorddarthvik

    Patch 2.6.1 Going Live! In case you missed out on whats new, this patch brings multi-region servers with netcode improvemnts, which vastly improves PU experiece for those who had desyncs and high ping issues...
  14. Lorddarthvik

    (ALL GONE) 3d printed mini Hornets !

    All 5 modles are now Sold! Hello dear Testies! Up for grabs is my squadron of Five 3D printed miniature Hornets! (available separately or all together) I would like to sell em off to a better home, as I need to make some money for real life stuff. There are five models, all finished by hand...
  15. Lorddarthvik

    WTB looking for used cheap laptop (inside EU pref.)

    Hi there Testies! I'm looking for a used cheap laptop! (around 200 Euro + shipping) Currently I have an old Lenovo SL500 which has a Core2Duo, some old crap nvidia graphics, 2Gb Ram, SSD, really dull colourless matt screen. I need something better! I'm looking to buy one for 2 completely...
  16. Lorddarthvik

    ATV 3.12 and RTV 2.12 Austin - your thoughts?

    Soooo, did you watch any of them, or all the "drama" and conspiracy threads took up all your free time this week? :smile: Stuff I noticed: ATV: - nah, can't really remember. Did they mention anything interesting apart from the usual "we are working hard on 2.6 and 3.0" ? I seem to recall...
  17. Lorddarthvik

    Saitek sold to Logicrap, what will become of the SC HotAss?

    Source Edit: Mouse and Keyboard and everything that's not "simulator" stuff Remains with Mad Catz. So basically Logitech only takes over the Joystick/HOTAS/Wheels business of Saitek. As the title suggests, will it even happen? Did...
  18. Lorddarthvik

    (WTS) Help out a Testie, buy his Mister Handy! (from Fallout, 3d printed fully painted )

    Hey there My Dearest Testies, Up for sale is my model of a Mister Handy from Fallout. It is a mix between all models of mister handys from all games, not any specific variant, but it's mostly based on the one in F4. I wanted to give you a chance to grab it before I post it up on other sites...
  19. Lorddarthvik

    My 3D printed miniature ships arrived! (Aurora,300i,Hornet) (you can get yours now)

    To Mods: I'm posting this here on the off-topic section as it's not strictly TEST related. If you think it shouldn't be posted here, please move/remove it! A few weeks ago I finally snapped, and decided I just had to have Star Citizen ships in my hands in a real physical form. So I ended up...
  20. Lorddarthvik

    Hi TESTies!

    Hello people of the Best Squadron! I'm honoured that I could join your ranks, and I'm looking forward to playing SC with y'all! Especially if that stops my ship getting constantly stolen in Crusader :D I'll write a lot of irrelevant details below, feel free to get to know me better! Where you...
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