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  1. Lorddarthvik

    Hey Chris, where's my squadron? (42) and keynote impressions

    The title says it all. Only managed to watch some Tony Z and the keynote with the sound on, so did I miss something? Or they really didn't even mention SQ42 at all? Demo looked cool (haha), some nice things to come! But to be honest I was kinda underwhelmed by it as a whole. Sorry, but idgaf...
  2. Lorddarthvik

    The Outer Worlds! released, and it's really good!

    View: Anyone interested in a space themed Fallout game should give this a try! I've only played up until reaching the first town and mission giver boss there, so far it feels really good! NO MICROTRANSACTIONS! This is a proper single player game...
  3. Lorddarthvik

    3.7.1 - it's a pirates life for me ?

    Hi testies, So I finally put a few hours into 3.7.1 PU. What follows is my usual long post about how things went down. Started with the armor shopping, got the big backpack, and the flack pistol sidearm (or whatever it's called lol) with a red dot. Looked at the missions and found 3...
  4. Lorddarthvik

    TEST Pizza, Best Pizza (?)

    Inspired by our Glorious Leader's video about staggered pizza development, I present to you, the unofficial TEST Pizza! With Guinness!* * in the dough. No added water was used in the making of this feature. Also, no machinery was harmed in the making of this feature.** **with the exception...
  5. Lorddarthvik

    My solo adventures in an Aurora, 3.6.1 (story time)

    Welcome to my logbook/diary/whinig thread. Here I'll describe how my play sessions end up. While I know that many of you couldnt care less about how the aurora performs as you already have way more expensive ships, I think it's a good indicator of how the game will play to a huge percentage of...
  6. Lorddarthvik

    Cyberpunk 2077 Official Release Date, has John Wick in trailer!

    16.04.2020 Yes Keanu Reaves is in it. Edit: and on stage as well for the announcement! Holy shit! View: And maybe thats the huge prisoner guy from Squadron 42 in the trailer? Anyways, I'm still searching for...
  7. Lorddarthvik

    Double ads on Youtube? Wtf?

    In the last couple of weeks/months I've seen a steady rise in the number of ads I get per video on YouTube on my phone and tablet. Instead of the usual 2-3 per 5-10minute video, I was getting up to 6-8 not counting the ones at the start and end of the video! It was getting really annoying, then...
  8. Lorddarthvik

    A crazy thought has crossed my mind... (games a service)

    A strange crazy thing popped into my mind while watching a vid on "games as service" topic. Beer with me for a second here and try to follow my (obviously twisted) logic: EA, Actiblizz, and their ilk are all pushing for this bullshit called "games as live service" model, which basically means...
  9. Lorddarthvik

    Leaked image of Org. Leader buying sports car with Org. Money!!!!!! @Montoya Dearest Leader, I heard you like Gold and Black, so let me introduce you to the next reason you will embezzle even more of the...
  10. Lorddarthvik

    Falcon Heavy Launch stream Upd.: 6:35 p.m. EDT Apr.11 (real space stuff)

    View: You can catch the latest shenanigans from SpaceX at the link above, as they launch their most powerful rocket yet, but this time it's not just for kicks! It's carrying a proper big ass satellite this time called Arabsat 6A...
  11. Lorddarthvik

    How the hell do you fly this thing now? WTF?

    I'm confused, and panicked. I haven't played since the early days of 3.4 and didn't follow anything SC related apart from these forums, so now I'm kinda feeling like a fish outta water. I've tried the 3.5 PTU yesterday, hopped into my 300i, with KB+M controls only, and I was really confused by...
  12. Lorddarthvik

    3.5 PTU wave 2 is out (upd: now open to All Backers!)

    What the title says. Get Testing! Also, it means that we are getting closer to release, yay! 😁
  13. Lorddarthvik

    3.3.5 is now Live!

    As the title says, with Hurston, Lorville, ship shops, trainz, coffee and whiskey drinking and all that jazz. View:
  14. Lorddarthvik

    The current state of 3.3.0 FPS mission - I broke my ALT-F4 keys... thanks Kareah! (long wall of text)

    Warning: don't take this too seriously lol And not because the game locks up or has stability issues. Oh no. On the contrary! It feels too much like a real game now! It is friggin amazing! The flying around the shops, the atmosphere, all the while having actually enjoyable framerates... It...
  15. Lorddarthvik

    EVE Online acquired by Pearl Abyss (Black Desert Online) from the article: "EVE Online studio CCP Games has been acquired by Pearl Abyss, the Korean developer of the fantasy MMO Black Desert Online. Pearl Abyss said that CCP will continue to operate its existing...
  16. Lorddarthvik

    128x32 B/W TEST logos for small LED screens (for ECigs and such)

    Hi fellows, Below you may find a couple of Test themed Welcome and a Locked screen I designed for my new e-cig (DNA 75 by JAC All are 128x32 pixel Black and White 1 bit PNGs, probably usable on anything with a similar screen resolution. Welcome/Logo screens Locked preview photo...
  17. Lorddarthvik

    The most important question, answered by Disco

    Obvious shitpost is obvious lol
  18. Lorddarthvik

    Titel Tilte Title... BEER!

    Last week I went on a little trip to Germany with my friends to buy a car, and while waiting for the paperwork to complete, our host took us on a trip to a town named Bamberg. In this town's famous bewery-restaurant (Mahr's) is where I found the most interesting and best tasting Beer I have...
  19. Lorddarthvik

    Thoughts on 3.2 and CONCERNE (so it's a rant ofc)

    My not-so-happy-long-time-backer thoughts. Yes there is a TLDR at the very bottom, you can skip all this. 3.2 Mining: don't have a Prospector, so no idea. Looks fun in vids though. New ships: own none, so no idea. They look nice though. Logging out in bed: it works! pretty big deal actually...
  20. Lorddarthvik

    I left the Stanton System

    Not that I wanted to... Flying my Aurora, I just wanted to do a very short QT jump inside an asteroid field next to Delamar (or Deymar? the one thats far away) while looking for a blown up Caterpillar, aaand it backfired. Literally. I quantum traveled in reverse. At an accelerating rate...
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