So, 3.0 live release just bumped to September...


Vice Admiral
Jul 15, 2017
RSI Handle
The big issue I had with the delay was all the people who got pissy in PU and decided to take it out on people who just want to play and hone their skills. (What little I have) I spent the weekend having people trying to sneak in and/or race me to my seat in a 325a for crying out loud. Really??? Get a f***in' life.

I paid for a month's sub because I wanted to fly the Connie.....I have flown it ONCE. (Read Ode to a Griefer LOL) The rest of the time I get people racing to get in to steal and crash it, or hide and kill me for it the minute I leave the port. At least with the Vanduule Scythe it is a single seat with an animation that doesn't allow for anyone to beat you in. I did get to fly that.

RB and I went out in his Connie 2x, but again yesterday I had to stand there with a shotgun on our "passenger" to keep him honest. We need a "space the f**ker" button. :P If I'd have just shot him, then I'd be the criminal.

People make the excuses "oh they are just bored". I call BS. To people like that, that IS the game to them. I see it in every PVP I have played. There is always a group who make it their mission to ruin the game for everyone else, just because they can. If they are bored, they can go play Mario Cart til SC releases.

I don't mind the occasional jerk. You get them all the time. What I do mind is my plan of playing and relaxing in the game with the BF was totally ruined by people who were "mad" because 3.0 is delayed a couple more weeks.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
can we be potatos instead? peas are gross and considered rabbit food, and i dont eat no damn rabbit food
Hookay mang. Works for me.
The big issue I had with the delay was all the people who got pissy in PU and decided to take it out on people who just want to play and hone their skills. (What little I have) I spent the weekend having people trying to sneak in and/or race me to my seat in a 325a for crying out loud. Really??? Get a f***in' life.

I paid for a month's sub because I wanted to fly the Connie.....I have flown it ONCE. (Read Ode to a Griefer LOL) The rest of the time I get people racing to get in to steal and crash it, or hide and kill me for it the minute I leave the port. At least with the Vanduule Scythe it is a single seat with an animation that doesn't allow for anyone to beat you in. I did get to fly that.

RB and I went out in his Connie 2x, but again yesterday I had to stand there with a shotgun on our "passenger" to keep him honest. We need a "space the f**ker" button. :P If I'd have just shot him, then I'd be the criminal.

People make the excuses "oh they are just bored". I call BS. To people like that, that IS the game to them. I see it in every PVP I have played. There is always a group who make it their mission to ruin the game for everyone else, just because they can. If they are bored, they can go play Mario Cart til SC releases.

I don't mind the occasional jerk. You get them all the time. What I do mind is my plan of playing and relaxing in the game with the BF was totally ruined by people who were "mad" because 3.0 is delayed a couple more weeks.
There are frequently groups of TESTies who get online to play and hone skills, etc. They either setup everything here on the forums, or on discord. Check out either. Or just get on discord and ask if anyone wants to play. There is strength in numbers.

@marcsand2 does combat fight nights I do believe. He's a great combat pilot. Perhaps chat to him about when their next event is planned, and you can really hone your skills in a friendly environment with knowledgeable members who'll give ya constructive feedback.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
@marcsand2 does combat fight nights I do believe.
@IcaroSP organized the flight nights, @marcsand2 is just one of the participants who volunteered to assist @IcaroSP as a training flight leader... oh boy, the first few flights were a frightening experience, I really had to speak and give instructions :cold_sweat:

[He's a great combat pilot.
I met a lot better pilots during combat flight night, but combat flight night is not about better pilots, combat flight night is about working together as a team, jumping in as one force, concentrating fire to eliminate hard targets faster, protect your buddy when he is in trouble.

Perhaps chat to him about when their next event is planned, and you can really hone your skills in a friendly environment with knowledgeable members who'll give ya constructive feedback.
[M] Munken: A REMINDER!!!, Combat Flight Night event will be ON HOLD till end of summer (1st September), in the meantime Flight Leaders will still be around on Saturdays and Sundays to have some free flight sessions or to refresh some classes, but we will not move forward till all pilots come back from the beach and parties, ENJOY THE SUMMER!!! come back with Energy!!!
But nevertheless I try to be present every Saturday @21:00 PM UTC and Sunday @20:00 PM UTC. The Free Flight Night events are in the Yellow Jacket event calendar.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
@IcaroSP organized the flight nights, @marcsand2 is just one of the participants who volunteered to assist @IcaroSP as a training flight leader... oh boy, the first few flights were a frightening experience, I really had to speak and give instructions :cold_sweat:

I met a lot better pilots during combat flight night, but combat flight night is not about better pilots, combat flight night is about working together as a team, jumping in as one force, concentrating fire to eliminate hard targets faster, protect your buddy when he is in trouble.

But nevertheless I try to be present every Saturday @21:00 PM UTC and Sunday @20:00 PM UTC. The Free Flight Night events are in the Yellow Jacket event calendar.
And there you go @Calignosity. Thanks a million Marc. I'll join you folks soon. Probably after summer. Having too much fun outside right now, haha.
last Saturday wasn't a good idea, somewhere after 1 AM I felt asleep it wasn't the beer, just a few liters, and woke up somewhere at 4 AM I woke up and finally found my bed :grin:
Haha, atta boy! I'm doing that tonight! Because Monday!


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
The big issue I had with the delay was all the people who got pissy in PU and decided to take it out on people who just want to play and hone their skills. (What little I have) I spent the weekend having people trying to sneak in and/or race me to my seat in a 325a for crying out loud. Really??? Get a f***in' life.

I paid for a month's sub because I wanted to fly the Connie.....I have flown it ONCE. (Read Ode to a Griefer LOL) The rest of the time I get people racing to get in to steal and crash it, or hide and kill me for it the minute I leave the port. At least with the Vanduule Scythe it is a single seat with an animation that doesn't allow for anyone to beat you in. I did get to fly that.

RB and I went out in his Connie 2x, but again yesterday I had to stand there with a shotgun on our "passenger" to keep him honest. We need a "space the f**ker" button. :P If I'd have just shot him, then I'd be the criminal.

People make the excuses "oh they are just bored". I call BS. To people like that, that IS the game to them. I see it in every PVP I have played. There is always a group who make it their mission to ruin the game for everyone else, just because they can. If they are bored, they can go play Mario Cart til SC releases.

I don't mind the occasional jerk. You get them all the time. What I do mind is my plan of playing and relaxing in the game with the BF was totally ruined by people who were "mad" because 3.0 is delayed a couple more weeks.
Well i'll rent a connie you can fly that around while I afk lol


Dec 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I dunno.

I get all the perfectly valid arguments about game development and the nature of the project. but likewise, I've seen plenty of people around the internet claim this is all perfectly normal - it assuredly is not. My company sets goals for developers and they are expected to be met - to be fair they rarely are but the delays are usually covered by an extra quarter. Admittedly, we don't make games though.

My issue comes down to the streams and the shows that continue to push an idea until the last minute delay announcement. Given the length of time between us being told we'd probably have 3.0 by the end of the year and where we are today - I'll be honest that I lack the imagination to conceive of a scenario where anyone could stand infront of that camera and honestly say that this update was basically ready for release.

I can't shake the feeling that not just once now, CR or someone else has looked us all directly in the camera lense and simply lied, because it's easier and it keeps the cash rolling and we've shown that we really don't hold a grudge. Perhaps it's time to start.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Perhaps it's time to start.
I'm sure there are more than enough people already doing that for us.

I love your point about the fanfare and broadcasts of expected launch times... I suppose for every four episodes of Across The Verse they need one episode of 'Two steps forward one step back' or whatever would sound snazzy, where they explain all the bits and pieces that have caused setbacks during the month.

"In other news, Sally the lead clothing designer went on Maternity Leave last week, and because she was doing such an awesome job it does mean in her absence the Cumberbund range may delay the launch of 5.6.3 by a day." or some such stuff, but then do the developers need to be named and shamed for things that are not their fault or within their power to forsee, like if they suddenly find a bug where the Med-Pens stick to your hand? Saying fixing that is going to delay a launch would be like saying "Yeah, it's the MedPen teams fault." which it most likely isn't...

But yeah I know what you mean less "It's round the corner" and more "with zero issues we are looking at June, with 100% issues we are looking at December" would be appreciated.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Look I don't think calling people "butt hurt" is fair, people have the right to voice their opinions on how this game is being developed especially when those people have invested time and money into them. I have been paying the higher sub fee for close to 2 years now, I have over 600.00$ cash into ships I still cant fly, we have a game which seems to me the finished date keeps extended indefinitely and I don't think its unreasonable for people who invested to have questions and concerns when this happens.

At this point I personally cannot see wasting another 2 - 3 years of subs not knowing when the end date is, I also am thinking about asking for a refund and simply sticking with a cheap starter kit, I also think many people having known where we stand today and knowing there is no end in sight might feel the same way and may not have spent so much money, so where would that have left CIG and the funding if people knew this is where we would be after so many years.

Again I love this game, I love the idea of this game, I like Chris Roberts and the idea's and all of it but there has to be an end and I don't see one anytime soon. I have purchased two HOTAS and updated my computer just to play this game as it stands but the dates keep changing, I won't say promises because Chris himself says he wont say that anymore but the continued delays etc... has me worried about an end game date, anything past early 2019 is unacceptable to me and should have been done in 2018 and this is almost certain from what I hear.

Anyways, I love this org and the people in it, please don't take this rant personal its just a bit frustrating to me. :)

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Just in time for Star citizen Drama haha.

Lol you just got here on Saturday that's not even a full week be patient good things will eventually come as you said AAA games take 5-9 years we are only at 5 the original project was not anticipated to have this many features, but since the game is still being backed more and more and people want more from the game its going to take longer. As for netcode yes that is true that they need to think more about how to handle more than 256 people but at the same time they do not know how big the game and how many features are going to be implemented in the end so why finish your netcode now. Finish the 1 player version then work on getting the MMO aspect out in a much larger scale by building netcode from the full list of features. They are doing a good job and progress is being made. For starting with just an idea 5 years ago they have come a long way. Servers, programmers, buildings in several countries, and all the tools to actually create the game. most AAA games start with all of that already somewhat in their pockets. Even if this comes out 5 years from now it is going to make a splash. We will all get what we are paying for don't expect a set deadline.
Bored with the conversation. LOL It was just going in circles.
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